Menopause: age-related changes and microflora status

Among them there are potentially “harmful” or opportunistic bacteria (cocci, gardnerella, Candida fungi, etc.), and there are lactobacilli.

It is lactobacilli that inhibit the proliferation of “bad” bacteria and are responsible for the condition of the vaginal microflora.

Normally, there are no more than 4-8% of opportunistic bacteria and in the normal state they are not activated - their growth and quantity are completely “controlled” by lactobacilli, which create a special environment with an acidic pH, in which most microorganisms are “uncomfortable”.

But the female body is like a fragile vessel. And even a “harmless”, at first glance, imbalance of bacteria in the vagina can turn into very serious problems for women’s health.

When the immune system is weakened, the body does not have the strength to replenish the army of our “defenders” - lactobacilli. The vacated space is quickly taken up by other, not entirely useful microorganisms. Most often, this is Gardnerella vaginalis - a rather harmful bacterium, which in very small quantities is always present on the mucous membrane, but in case of excess causes vaginal dysbiosis or bacterial vaginosis.

Causes of microflora disturbances

The vaginal microflora can be influenced by many different factors:

Use of antibiotics or hormonal drugs.

Once in the body, antibiotics fight the causative agent of infection, but at the same time destroy other microorganisms, including lactobacilli.

As a rule, pathogenic microorganisms are more active, aggressive, they manage to multiply before the content of “good” bacteria returns to normal. As a result, vaginal dysbiosis occurs.

According to a similar pattern, microbial imbalance develops when treated with hormonal drugs, for example, corticosteroids. They suppress the immune system and create conditions optimal for the proliferation of opportunistic bacteria.


While carrying a child, a woman’s hormonal levels and the functioning of her immune system change, and the properties of the vaginal mucosa also change somewhat. All these factors can lead to a decrease in the number of lactobacilli and the growth of pathogenic bacteria, causing dysbiosis.

The presence of acute or chronic infection.

These conditions require constant “mobilization” of the immune system in order to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body. But often the efforts of the immune system are not enough to support the normal biocenosis of the vagina. In this case, the number of opportunistic bacteria also begins to increase and dysbiosis occurs.

Stress, psychological disorders, depression.

The strong influence of stress factors leads to maladaptation - disruption of the entire body, including the immune system. As a result, the general and local immune balance is disrupted, including in the vagina, and “bad” bacteria have the opportunity to actively reproduce.

Features and activity of sexual life.

Bacterial vaginosis often appears when changing sexual partners. This, to some extent, is normal - two organisms need to get used to each other. But if sexual partners change often enough, the vaginal microflora has virtually no chance of finding time to build a new protective barrier against infections.

Frequent vaginal douching with the use of chlorine-containing antiseptics, use of intrauterine devices for contraception, vaginal deodorants.

Excessive hygiene is not beneficial - this is a proven fact. Always give your body a chance to recover and protect itself from bacteria.

At the same time, failure to maintain personal hygiene, as well as wearing tight or synthetic underwear, can lead to changes in microbial composition and provoke dysbiosis.

Previous operations or injuries.

The same principle works here as with recovery after a course of medication - the immune system’s own efforts may not be enough to maintain the vaginal biocenosis, so the number of lactobacilli begins to decrease, and the number of opportunistic bacteria begins to increase.

Necessary tests

Since pathologies are often asymptomatic, many women find out about their presence only during an examination by a gynecologist. If the doctor suspects that something is wrong with women’s health, then he takes the appropriate tests.

Most often, a urogenital smear is done to determine the state of the microflora.

Laboratory tests will help determine the presence of certain diseases, inflammatory processes, and the cause of dysbiosis.

Before taking the test, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • the day before the tests, refrain from sexual intercourse;
  • within 3 days, stop using tampons, suppositories and other means that can worsen hygiene;
  • stop taking antibacterial agents for several days.

You can find out the results in 2-3 days. According to the test results, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment, which must be started immediately.

What is dangerous about microflora disturbance?

When bacterial vaginosis occurs, women most often complain of the appearance of discharge (grayish-white in color, emitting the smell of stale fish), itching and burning in the vagina, pain when urinating, pain during sexual intercourse.

What happens as a result of dysbiosis?

  • Local immunity is impaired, and a chronic infection develops in the external genital area. Discharge, unpleasant odor, itching, the appearance of painful wounds - all this significantly worsens a woman’s quality of life.
  • The risk of infection with the human papillomavirus increases. It, in turn, is considered a risk factor for the development of cervical cancer.
  • The risk of developing infertility increases. Infection and inflammation are among its leading causes.
  • Intrauterine infection of the fetus often occurs against the background of intimate microflora disorders in pregnant women.
  • The risk of recurrent miscarriage and other obstetric pathologies increases.
  • The risk of developing placental insufficiency with delayed fetal development and the formation of a pathological course of pregnancy.
  • Risk of premature birth.

Dysbiosis can cause the development of serious pathologies of internal organs. Infections have the ability to spread vertically: from the mucous membrane of the external intimate area to the internal membranes of the pelvic organs (cervix and uterus, into the fallopian tubes), to the mucous membrane of the bladder and urinary tract, and into the abdominal cavity. Since these organs are closely located, their mucous membranes have a similar structure and are susceptible to the same microorganisms.

The bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis create special biofilms on the surface of the vaginal epithelium to “protect” themselves from the effects of antibiotics. Such biofilms are foci of chronic infection, which is why relapses of bacterial vaginosis occur so often1.

Even a simple list of possible risks when intimate microflora is violated shows: these symptoms cannot be ignored!

Drugs to restore condition

Only a doctor can prescribe certain medications. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, which can only worsen the condition.


These are medications that contain lactic acid microorganisms. Their action is aimed at improving the state of microflora and treating certain diseases and problems that arise as a result of taking antibiotics. Such drugs are available for both local and oral use.


These are small oblong-shaped preparations that look similar to a ball, cylinder or oval. They reach up to 1.5 cm in diameter and weigh 2-6 g. Intended for local use. Such candles are made exclusively from natural substances that cannot harm the female body.


To improve the condition of the vaginal flora, you can take oral or vaginal tablets and capsules. As a rule, they have a fatty membrane, which facilitates unhindered insertion into the vagina. The tablets contain granular powder. Many experts advise taking lactozhinal.

Signs of a hormonal “revolution”

Hormonal imbalance is perhaps the most key sign of the oncoming menopause . In addition to the above-mentioned manifestations of a vasomotor and emotional nature, there are also metabolic manifestations. Diseases of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system may occur: atherosclerosis, hypertension, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome and others. And all “thanks” to a decrease in the level of female sex hormones - estrogen.

The less these hormones become, the more often hot flashes, chills, sweating and other manifestations of thermoregulation disorders occur. Not to mention the fact that starting from about 35-40 years of age, calcium begins to be “washed out” from the bones in the female body, which leads to numerous ailments of the spine and joints. With the obvious progression of changes in bone tissue, the already mentioned osteoporosis occurs, which after a certain number of years is fraught with fractures, as they say, out of the blue. Everyone knows of cases where elderly people, having tripped and fallen, receive serious injuries to the hip joints, often chaining the victims to bed for the rest of their lives.

Various urogenital disorders are also frequent accompaniments of menopause. The cause is the same: a decrease in the level of sex hormones. Since many tissues and muscles in the bladder, urethra and vagina are sensitive to estrogens (or rather to their lack), atrophic and dystrophic processes are common in these organs with the onset of menopause. At best, a woman may experience that the vaginal mucosa will not be moisturized as well as before, which will cause a feeling of discomfort during sexual intercourse. At worst, she may experience impaired urinary function and prolapse (drooping) of the genital organs.

Metabolic syndrome

Menopause is an individual process for each woman. For some, menopause occurs, as we have already said, by the age of 50. For others, it begins before age 45 (early menopause) . And some representatives of the fair sex experience age-related changes even after 51 years of age (late menopause) .

External changes during menopause also individual . Some ladies, who can be called lucky, remain fresh and youthful for many years after its onset. The rest, unfortunately, are less fortunate. After menopause , wrinkles appear clearly, the skin becomes flabby and dry, changes affect the structure of the hair (it becomes dull and brittle). The object of female pride and sexual attractiveness – the breasts – also suffers. It becomes less elastic, the nipples lose their expression (men would say eroticism). Well, we have already spoken above about the loss of calcium from the bones and the resulting tendency to osteoporosis.

All these unfavorable changes indicate metabolic syndrome , characteristic of menopause. But, unfortunately, he is not limited to them only. A significant portion of the fair sex are subject to weight fluctuations . And in the direction of its increase. According to WHO statistics, two-thirds of women worldwide experience weight gain during menopause. For many, the jump is quite significant, up to 10-15 kg over three to four years. Although usually weight gain to the mentioned marks occurs slowly, on average 1-1.2 kg per year.

Another difficulty is that as women age, it becomes increasingly difficult to monitor their weight. After 55-60 years, weight loss becomes a completely problematic task. Again, “thanks” to the changed hormonal levels. In lovely ladies, the metabolic rate decreases and, on the contrary, the appetite increases. Certain psychological aspects also contribute to fat deposition. During menopause, women are sometimes prone to melancholy and depression; many believe that “old age has come,” “life is already over,” and so on in the same spirit. Therefore, they prefer to eat up such “grief”. As a result, the weight begins to grow even more rapidly. With all the ensuing consequences in the form of diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, breast cancer.

When does menopause start?

Menopause is usually preceded by what is called perimenopause . It usually begins around age 50 . A characteristic feature of premenopause is a decrease in the number of eggs to a minimum . Thus, the onset of this stage indicates a natural decline in ovarian function . During this period of life, a woman feels the onset of changes in her general well-being, and delays in the menstrual cycle begin . The onset of menopause, as well as pregnancy and ovulation, is determined by a special test. But it is appropriate if irregular periods have been occurring for six months.

Interruptions with menstruation ultimately lead to the complete disappearance of menstruation, which indicates the end of the premenopausal period and the onset of menopause itself . This period lasts, as a rule, two years . But there are many cases where nature stretched it out to five years. With the onset of menopause, a completely new stage begins in a woman’s life. From a social point of view, it can be great: ladies rejoice at the success of their children, happily nurse their grandchildren, and they have more time for their family and social responsibilities. However, from a health point of view, things are not so smooth. This is all due to the notorious hormonal changes in the body. Sometimes it is so radical that it cannot be called anything other than revolutionary.

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