Silicon dioxide (E551) – the effect of the substance on the body

Silica, in Latin Silicondioxide, silica is silicon dioxide. What is such a connection? These are solid crystals, colorless, odorless, they are quite hard, durable, ductile and refractory. In nature, this is the most common quartz, tiny transparent grains of sand that are formed during the oxidation of silicon (Si).

SiO₂ is the molecular (chemical) formula of silicon dioxide.

Chemical properties

Silicon dioxide, what is it? According to Wikipedia, tetravalent silicon oxide is a component of almost all rocks. This chemical compound appears as colorless crystals with a fairly high melting point. Silicon Dioxide Formula: SiO2. The chemical formula of silica is the same as that of Silicon Dioxide. Melting point is about 1600 degrees Celsius.

The substance belongs to the group of acidic oxides, is a dielectric, and has several polymorphic modifications of crystals. Under the influence of high temperatures and pressure, the substance turns into coesite and stishovite, has various modifications and forms, quartz, opal, authigenic quartz, chalcedony; amorphous Silicon dioxide is quartz glass.

Applications of Silica

Due to the variety of forms, the substance is used in various fields. The mineral is used in the production of glass, abrasives, concrete and ceramic products; as a filler during rubber production to produce silicon; in the production of refractory materials; in chromatography. Quartz crystals are used for the production of lighters, ultrasonic devices, and in radio engineering. Some algae contribute to the accumulation of silica in the biosphere and perform a biochemical function. The compound is also used as an emulsifier in the food industry (E551) and added to toothpaste. Used as an insulator in the production of fiber-optic cables, used as a heating element in electronic cigarettes; in jewelry and so on. The use of Silicon Dioxide in medicine is widespread as an excipient, food additive or in the form of an enterosorbent.

Silicon dioxide: harm and benefit

The substance cannot cause any particular harm to the body, since upon penetration into the gastrointestinal tract it is not absorbed through the walls of the stomach and is excreted unchanged. The food additive E 551 is present in many food products, sugar, milk powder and warblers, chips, crackers, alcoholic beverages and confectionery products. With the correct use of medications, there is also no harm from colloidal silicon dioxide.


E551 is a mass-produced connection that is widely used in the industry. Its properties make it possible to make many products safer and of higher quality, and also improve the structure and shelf life. E551 is not dangerous for the body, which has been proven by many studies. Moreover, Silicondioxide has a number of positive properties, due to which it can be used as an additive. It cleanses blood vessels and has a rejuvenating effect with constant use. In cosmetology and the medical field, the substance not only improves the structure of ointments, gels and other products, but also enhances their effect. This is especially true for disinfecting and healing properties.

The substance has received some criticism, but without any proven justification. There is currently no evidence that Silicondioxide is capable of causing cancer or binding to other compounds in the body, leading to negative effects. Therefore, given the mass nature, it is almost impossible to avoid its entry into the body.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Silica has a fairly high absorption capacity. The substance binds and removes from the body various enzymes, antibodies , antigens , toxins , tissue decay products, microorganisms and food allergens . The substance is actively used to evacuate certain medications, water and poisons. After penetration into the digestive tract, the drug is not subject to systemic absorption and does not accumulate in the body.

When used topically, the substance prevents necrotic changes in tissue and promotes wound healing.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite its safety and even positive effects on the body, e551 in some cases must be limited. This applies not only to use as a separate supplement, but also to highly concentrated products. The main contraindications are:

  • Erosion and gastric ulcer;
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Gastroduodenitis;
  • Intestinal obstruction.

Dioxide granules cannot be used in pure form, especially on open wounds. They will lead to the appearance of an enveloping crust, which interferes with normal healing.

Excessive use of the substance or products containing it may cause constipation and indigestion.

Indications for use

Colloidal silicon dioxide is used in medicine:

  • for intestinal infections, food toxic infections , allergies ;
  • with exogenous and endogenous intoxication ;
  • as part of the complex treatment of acute poisoning;
  • with alcohol withdrawal ;
  • in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues, abscesses, purulent wounds, phlegmon , mastitis .

Instructions for use of silicon dioxide

Medicines containing the substance in question, according to the instructions, should be taken an hour before meals. For acute intestinal infections and toxic infections, the medicinal powder is consumed in a volume of 2-3 grams three times a day. In case of severe diarrhea syndrome, the amount of the drug used is increased to 4-6 grams and taken twice a day. Silicon dioxide is taken for 3-5 days.

In case of poisoning with drugs or toxic chemical compounds, take 2-3 grams three times a day. For allergies, the drug is used according to a similar method.


The drug, when taken orally, has the ability to reduce the effectiveness of drugs taken orally at the same time. You should maintain a gap of one hour between taking other medications.

When combining Silicon Dioxide preparations with acetylsalicylic acid, platelet disaggregation processes are enhanced .

When taking the drug, nicotinic acid and atoxil cholesterol increases .

When carrying out intracorporeal sorption detoxification , it is recommended to combine the drug with bifuran , furatsilin , chlorhexidine bigluconate .

Products containing silicon dioxide

Silicon dioxide can be found in the following foods:

  • bulk powdery products (flour, salt, sugar, spices) - in them the substance is used to maintain a uniform consistency and prevent the formation of lumps;
  • cheeses - silicon dioxide is added to them to give the product a homogeneous structure, thanks to the substance, the cheese does not fall into pieces during cutting and consumption;
  • snacks (chips, crackers, nuts, sticks) - in these products, silicon dioxide is necessary to retain moisture, it also acts as an enhancer of taste and aroma properties;
  • alcoholic drinks – the additive stabilizes the acidity level;
  • beer – E551 helps improve the color of the product and enhance the durability of the foam;
  • confectionery products – the additive makes sweets less brittle and allows them to increase their shelf life.


Reviews of drugs based on this product:

  • “...I have been using this medicine for a long time. Helps me a lot with allergies and food poisoning”;
  • “...At first I took it to cleanse the body and lose excess weight. Now this medicine is always in my medicine cabinet”;
  • “... My husband recently got seriously poisoned at work. We started taking this drug and within a day all the symptoms went away”;
  • “... This is the second day I’ve been taking it for hives. The spots have already disappeared and the itching has gone away. I decided that I would drink it until the end of the course. Good medicine."

What is anti-caking agent E551 made from?

The substance is produced in quartz factories. To do this, silicon is heated in an oxygen atmosphere; such an oxidation reaction requires a temperature of over 500 degrees. They also use the hydrolysis process, for which special autoclaves are installed that maintain a temperature of about 1000 degrees.

Obtaining emulsifier E551 is possible by treating sodium silicate with acids. With this artificial synthesis, white soot is produced - amorphous silicon dioxide, which can be used everywhere, including in the industrial sector.

In nature, it is possible to obtain silicon dioxide E551 at natural temperature and pressure. There are three types of such crystalline modifications: tridymite, quartz and cristobalide. At high temperatures, the natural compounds stishovite and coesite are formed. Stishovite was first discovered in a meteorite crater in 1962; scientists later found that the mineral lines a significant part of the mantle of our planet.

Attention! The silica powder must have a high degree of purity. A high-quality product is produced by domestic factories and factories; one of the companies is located in Bryansk. The main foreign suppliers are factories in Belarus, France and Germany.

Main manufacturers

Produces high-purity silicon dioxide (Bryansk region).

Main foreign suppliers:

  • Gomel Chemical Plant (Republic of Belarus);
  • Evolik Industries (Germany);
  • RHONE-POULENC (France).

At the beginning of the last century, the German physiologist W. Kühne proved that silicon compounds cleanse and restore blood vessels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Later, his conclusions were supported by numerous studies.

Silicon dioxide structures water molecules, giving them the ability to push out toxins, foreign compounds, and pathogenic microorganisms. Silicon water acquires bactericidal properties and a special fresh taste.


Let's take a closer look at how exactly dioxide is used in medicine and pharmaceuticals. It is used as an enterosorbent. This substance has the appearance of a white or white-blue powder. It has no smell.

As for medicines, colloidal silicon dioxide is used to create preparations for internal and external use. The action of the products is aimed at healing wounds of a purulent nature, phlegmon, mastitis. In addition, the drugs stop processes of a purulent-inflammatory nature.

If the product is in the form of a loose powder, then it can be used as an enterosorbent. This substance is capable of removing toxins from the body, even salts of heavy metals. The additive is often added to a remedy for flatulence. Thanks to it, the emulsion is stabilized and its effect is improved. Due to the fact that dioxide has an absorbent property, it is added to gels and ointments. They can treat mastitis, phlegmon, as well as various purulent diseases. The drug has an antimicrobial effect. It is easy to spread over the skin. Allergies and irritation do not occur. In order to thicken alcohol, glycerin, petroleum jelly and fish oil, it is dioxide that is used.

Replacement options

Reference. Preservatives with similar characteristics can be used as analogues of E551.

  • sodium silicates (E550);
  • calcium silicate (E552);
  • magnesium silicates (E553);
  • potassium silicate (E560).

Based on the information received, it can be stated that products containing the E551 additive are absolutely safe for internal and external use. However, reasonable and acceptable consumption should not fade into the background.

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Properties of silica: purity, strength and elasticity of fabrics

Silicon dioxide is also called silica. It is found in almost all organs of the human body.

This trace element is mainly concentrated in the thyroid gland. The epidermis and young tissue are also rich in it. However, its highest concentration is in bones, skin, hair, nails and blood vessels.

The cause of silicon dioxide deficiency in the body is the intake of refined and purified foods.

When the amount of this substance in the blood decreases, our well-being noticeably worsens and our mood drops. At the same time, hair becomes thinner and begins to fall out, nails lose strength, and skin loses elasticity.

At the same time, old fractures and injuries make themselves felt, dandruff appears and all sorts of problems begin, indicating an unfavorable state of the body. For example, internal bruising, fungal diseases, herpes and other troubles.

Silicon dioxide is necessary for our body. It heals bones, teeth, hair, nails, blood, muscle tissue, joints, blood vessels, arteries, epidermis. By the way, silica is found in the lens of the eye, and a lack of this substance can lead to cataracts.

Biologically active silicon has a beneficial effect on arteries, vessels, capillaries, making them stronger. But the skin’s predisposition to bruising indicates a lack of silicon in the capillaries.

How do you know that it is included in the product?

Attention! The presence of the E551 additive is indicated by the composition located on the product label.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation (No. 29-FZ), the manufacturer is required to indicate the additives used in the list of ingredients. The full name, chemical name or serial number with the letter “E” may be given.

On foreign goods this additive is indicated in the following designations:

  • Silicon Dioxide – international designation in English.
  • E551 – code designation.
  • Dioxyde de silizium is the French designation.
  • Silizium dioxide is the German name.

Cosmetical tools

Dioxide is also used in the cosmetics industry. It is added to toothpastes because it can perfectly whiten teeth. Tooth enamel is not destroyed by its influence. If accidentally swallowed, this product does not entail any consequences.

This substance is added to scrubs, creams, lotions, powders, regardless of the purpose and skin type. Thanks to dioxide, you can remove oily shine, smooth out wrinkles and remove uneven skin. Removal of dead cells and cleansing of the dermis occurs in a minimum period of time.

Benefits and harms

Additive E 551 can be considered safe for health.
Silicon dioxide is present in human blood and plasma. Coming from the outside, the substance is not broken down in the digestive system, is not absorbed, and is released naturally in an almost unchanged form. There is a danger from inhaling silica powder. Small particles can trigger the development of granulomatous inflammation, pulmonary silicosis and other serious diseases.

Food additive E472a is one of the glycerol esters and is actively used in the food industry.

The food additive E321 has a negative effect on the human body. Read more about this in our article.

Benzoic acid is not carcinogenic. We talked about it here.

Is food additive E551 dangerous or not?

Silicon dioxide has a low hazard class. The substance is allowed to be used in the food industry in Russia and Western countries; white crystalline powder is not prohibited in the USA. The additive is completely eliminated from the human body, but still has a certain danger. Workers in factories can be affected by white soot. The powder is dangerous to inhale; it can cause an attack of an allergic reaction, including the development of serious inflammation in the lungs. Otherwise, the silicon compound only brings benefits.

Chemical compound of silica molecule represented schematically

Use in food industry

The described emulsifier helps prevent clumping of bulk products. This substance is often added to semolina, flour, milk powder, sugar, egg powder, salt, and seasonings. In cheeses, silica is necessary to ensure that the texture of the grated and sliced ​​product is as stabilized as possible. In chips, beer snacks, crackers and similar products, the additive is needed to improve the aroma. Dioxide is added to beer to make it lighter. Thanks to the substance, its durability improves. In addition, in alcoholic drinks, including cognac, the additive neutralizes excess alkalis, stabilizing acidity.

Almost all sugary confectionery products are coated with an emulsifier. Thanks to it, the shelf life increases, stickiness and excessive fragility do not appear. Dioxide is not used to process chocolate.

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