Effective herbs with a diuretic effect for edema

  • Why does swelling occur?
      Characteristic features of edema.
  • How to get rid of swelling?
  • The best diuretic herbs.
  • Nowadays medicine has a huge number of different drugs. Due to the growth of technological progress, most of them are produced on a synthetic basis. Such drugs often have many contraindications. Against their background, the safest are natural medicines made from natural ingredients.

    Diuretic herbs are a very effective, affordable and easy-to-use remedy that can be taken for a wide variety of illnesses, including swelling of the legs in young and old people. If you need to get rid of a problem quickly and without consequences, or carry out effective prevention, you should definitely pay attention to them.

    Causes of puffiness under the eyes

    The cause of edema is excess fluid in the body due to poor outflow of blood and lymph. If there is increased pressure in the capillaries, then swelling on the face may also appear. Bags under the eyes may indicate low protein levels in the blood.

    Edema occurs not only with pathologies of the urinary tract, but also with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, when it is also necessary to remove excess fluid from the body.

    Expert Oksana Aleksandrovna Kim: about swelling

    Director and chief physician of the ophthalmology clinic, has more than 10 years of practical work. In her opinion, the cause of edema may be the person himself:

    • poor nutrition;
    • drinking large amounts of fluids and alcohol in the evening;
    • lack of sleep that has become chronic;
    • excess salt.

    In addition to reasons that depend on the person, swelling can also appear due to serious diseases. One of them is an allergic reaction of the body. This is an intolerance to pollen, food products, medications, household chemicals and components of animal protein compounds. No less serious reasons contributing to the occurrence of edema may be:

    • infectious and viral diseases (ARVI, influenza, conjunctivitis);
    • traumatic eye damage;
    • chronic lack of sleep, interrupted sleep;
    • constant drinking of alcohol, smoking;
    • excessive consumption of salt, fatty foods, smoked meats, pickles;
    • improper functioning of the pancreas (diabetes mellitus);
    • increased intracranial pressure;
    • stressful situations;
    • cosmetics are the wrong choice;
    • uncomfortable position chosen for sleeping;
    • tattooing or Botox injection;
    • neglect of hygienic facial cleansing.


    Lack of sleep

    Alcohol and smoking

    Poor nutrition


    Why does swelling occur?

    Swelling is not always a cause for concern, although it indicates changes in the body. For example, when a woman is expecting a child, serious changes occur inside her. The result of which is often the appearance of edema.

    Excessive amounts of fluid accumulate in the body under other circumstances. There may be several reasons for this:

    • Sedentary lifestyle.
    • Pregnancy.
    • Diseases associated with the spine, and some others.

    The result is a rapid appearance and increase in the number of edema on the body.

    But the most common cause is varicose veins. Blood stagnates in the venous vessels, which leads to an increase in fluid pressure on their internal walls. As a result, everything unnecessary comes out into the nearby tissues, which entails serious swelling, which can only be dealt with by using special medications.

    How does herbal medicine work?

    Herbs with a diuretic or diuretic effect have a mild effect on the human body, aimed at the pathological focus. In the absence of intolerance to any component, they have a beneficial effect on well-being. Some herbs disinfect and relieve pain, while others, by removing excess fluid with urine, act as an anti-inflammatory agent. In any case, you must first consult with your doctor which natural diuretics can be used for your diagnosis.

    Diuretic herbs:

    • normalize pressure, both fundus and intracranial;
    • slow down the penetration of salt into the renal tubules;
    • improve renal blood circulation;
    • act as antioxidants;
    • influence the course of epilepsy (beneficial);
    • relieve muscle spasms.

    Impact on the body

    Diuretics, from which healing herbal tea is brewed, have a diuretic effect on the body: they remove excess fluid accumulated in the soft tissues of the body. This natural remedy also helps people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, stagnation of urine in the body, and problems of the genitourinary system.

    Interesting fact. Many drugs, due to their synthetic nature, have a detrimental effect on the liver. Diuretic herbs that a person takes for swelling of the legs do not cause any harm to it. In this regard, they are often prescribed to children, pregnant women and elderly people.

    Indications for taking diuretic herbs

    You cannot use diuretic herbs on your own. A consultation with a nephrologist or urologist and examination to make a diagnosis are required. With long-term use of the diuretic herb, periodic replacement is necessary. The doctor should advise on the daily dosage and stages of preparing a decoction or tincture at home.

    Indications for the use of natural diuretics:

    • diseases of the urinary system with the presence of hypertension, inflammation, swelling;
    • taking antibiotics for a long time;
    • alcohol abuse, the consequences of a hangover, to remove toxic substances from the body;
    • consequences of intoxication after food poisoning;
    • prevention of stone formation after removal.

    Decoctions and infusions are not a panacea for excess weight. Excess fat remains, only liquid leaves.

    Characteristic features of edema

    Diseases of this kind have characteristic features:

    • They appear in the evening.
    • Swelling increases in sitting and lying positions, decreases while walking.
    • Excess fluid is accompanied by pain and heaviness in the legs.
    • Edema associated with heart disease involves shortness of breath, but edema caused by varicose veins does not.

    Interesting fact. Herbal treatment has been proven not just for years or decades, but for entire millennia. In the absence of specialized drugs, our ancestors saved themselves exclusively by roots, bushes and other vegetation. This gives us the right to consider diuretic herbs as one of the most proven and effective remedies today.

    Contraindications for taking diuretic herbs

    A preliminary consultation with a specialist is required if there is swelling; the use of diuretic herbs is not recommended for children, pregnant women and the elderly.

    Absolute contraindications for the following diagnoses:

    • disturbances in the outflow of bile;
    • kidney damage or nephrosis;
    • diabetes;
    • gout;
    • kidney stones, especially large ones;
    • deficiency of zinc, potassium;
    • state of acute renal failure.

    Also, do not forget about allergic reactions of individuals to individual components.

    When purchasing medicinal herbs, pay attention to the expiration date. Use without violating them, because the usefulness of the product becomes imaginary, now it may contain components harmful to health.

    You can collect the necessary herbs yourself, following all the necessary rules for drying and proper storage.

    Classes of diuretics and indications for their use

    Main indications for the use of diuretics of various classes

    Diuretic classIndications
    OsmoticEdema of the brain, lungs, acute attack of glaucoma, barbiturate poisoning
    Carbonic anhydrase inhibitorsEdema due to pulmonary heart failure, glaucoma, epilepsy
    LoopHypertensive crisis, cerebral edema, chronic renal failure, poisoning with water-soluble poisons
    Thiazides and thiazide-like diureticsHypertension, cardiovascular failure, liver cirrhosis, nephrosis, pregnancy nephropathy, glaucoma
    Potassium-sparingHypertension, heart failure, liver cirrhosis, hypokalemia during treatment with diuretics of other groups
    VegetableRenal edema, whistitis, chronic renal failure
    Xanthine derivativesHypertension, heart failure (in complex therapy)

    Side effects

    By using diuretic herbs for swelling uncontrollably, there is a risk that symptoms of dehydration may appear:

    • general malaise, weakness;
    • headache;
    • allergic reactions;
    • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
    • constant thirst;
    • broken stool;
    • convulsive conditions of the lower extremities;
    • reluctance to eat;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • impossibility of emptying the bladder when the urge appears.

    It is important to note that the appearance of even one of the signs described above should serve as a reason to stop taking the herbal mixture. A more complex case may even require emergency assistance from specialists. Taking decoctions and infusions while expecting a baby, depending on the timing, can provoke a miscarriage or the threat of a frozen pregnancy.

    The most popular plants

    Parsley seeds

    Parsley is used in the treatment of swelling and has proven itself to be an effective and gentle remedy. The use of infusions and decoctions will remove excess fluid and harmful substances from the human body. By adding parsley, roots or seeds, you can prevent the occurrence of edema. The plant contains a large amount of flavonoids. These are antioxidants that fight the effects of free radicals on the body: they prevent the accumulation of excess fluid and tone tissues and cells.

    Parsley seeds


    The juice of the plant contains a large amount of minerals, almost all the vitamins necessary to maintain the human body in a healthy state. Traditional medicine uses celery to treat edema. Sodium, potassium and magnesium, which maintain water-salt balance, are contained in the juice of the plant. When consuming celery, the liver and kidneys are stimulated and the elimination of toxic substances is accelerated. Excess water is released from the body and the normal ratio of fluid in the interstitial space and tissues is restored. Scientists who have conducted research on the plant are confident that its action can be compared to ginseng.

    Celery should not be taken by both pregnant and nursing mothers. The specific taste of breast milk depends on it and its production decreases.



    It is used when it is necessary to remove swelling due to pathologies of the urinary tract. To prepare the infusion, you need to take only raw seeds. Pour two liters of boiling water over a teaspoon of raw materials. Leave for 3 days. Before each meal you should take a tablespoon. The seeds will help relieve swelling and normalize metabolism. Anise should not be used by pregnant women.



    The fastest acting remedy. The patient feels the urge to urinate after the first intake of flax. In just 1-2 days, the fluid that caused the swelling can be removed from the body. The decoction is prepared from 3 tablespoons of flax seeds, which are poured with a liter of boiling water. The mixture should brew. If the resulting decoction is too bitter, add a little honey or a few drops of lemon juice to it. Treatment with seeds should be carried out when it is possible to be at home, since flax is a very strong natural diuretic.


    Lingonberry leaves

    Lingonberry leaves are saturated with minerals and vitamins: calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, C, B. It is used as a prophylactic, immunostimulant and for the treatment of vitamin deficiency. The flavonoids that make up the plant have a positive effect on blood vessels, tone them, and normalize blood pressure. Protein, which is easily digestible, will help during rehabilitation after poisoning, after serious illnesses and a strict diet. All substances are antioxidants. They protect the cells of the human body from the effects of free radicals, which disrupt the process of normal tissue reproduction and accelerate aging.

    Lingonberry leaves

    Shepherd's Purse

    The plant has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.
    Using shepherd's purse externally, as a lotion, relieves swelling, reduces inflammation, and can stop the bleeding of small wounds on the mucous membranes and on the surface of the skin. The use of medicinal herbs helps with the removal of stones, with diseases of the excretory system, and is used for inflammatory, severe processes. Shepherd's purse has a vasodilator, diuretic, and antifever effect. The plant normalizes sleep, has a calming effect and counteracts depression and stress. Traditional medicine uses shepherd's purse to cleanse the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and for the heart muscle - as an additional vitamin.

    Shepherd's Purse

    What are the types of diuretics?

    All diuretic drugs are divided into several categories: according to their spectrum of use and mechanism of action.

    1. Loop diuretics.
      These drugs have the strongest effect (they begin to act literally a few minutes after administration), but the effect ends just as quickly. Such drugs are well suited for the treatment of hypertension and heart failure. But loop diuretics have a significant disadvantage - along with water, they remove potassium from the body, which is fraught with the development of arrhythmia.
    2. Thiazide diuretics.
      Another effective diuretic drug. They not only get rid of excess fluid, but also dilate peripheral vessels. Thiazide diuretics also reduce the response of blood vessels to adrenaline, so they spasm less. Such diuretics are also prescribed for the treatment of urolithiasis. Among the “side effects” are the excretion of potassium and an increase in uric acid, which can then accumulate in the joints and cause gout.
    3. Potassium-sparing diuretics.
      Such diuretics do not remove potassium from the body, protecting the patient from various heart complications. But these drugs are not as potent as the previous ones.
    4. Osmotic diuretics.
      This group of drugs reduces blood plasma pressure - excess water is quickly removed from the tissues, swelling goes away. The pressure in the tissues and in the plasma becomes the same. Typically, osmotic diuretics are prescribed to relieve swelling of the brain, lungs, and high intraocular or intracranial pressure.

    Natural diuretics for facial swelling

    The following plants:

    • flax seeds;
    • half fell;
    • corn silk;
    • beet leaves.

    flax seeds


    Corn silk

    Beet leaves

    Herbs for swollen legs


    Eating horsetail helps eliminate the problem of protein in urine. The plant stimulates urination and disinfects the urinary tract. Herbal decoctions help relieve swelling of the heart and kidneys. Along with the diuretic effect, an analgesic effect was also detected. Horsetail has long been used in the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, internal bleeding, and the presence of kidney stones.

    In case of exacerbation of diseases of the stomach or intestines, it is better to consult a doctor. The use of herbal infusion is not recommended for nephrosis, nephritis, pregnant women, and children. Adverse reactions are extremely rare. Long-term, improper use of medicinal herbs can provoke digestive upset and allergic reactions.



    Chamomile has not only a diuretic effect, but also analgesic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, carminative, astringent, sedative, antispasmodic and antiallergic. The plant contains chamazulene. It is this substance that calms the nervous system, stimulates brain function, activating blood circulation in the brain vessels, and has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs.

    Chamomile has a calming, positive effect on all skin types, therefore it relieves various inflammations and itching, helps eliminate swelling and redness. During pregnancy, use is prohibited, and when breastfeeding, use must be approached with caution. Before using chamomile infusions and decoctions, it is necessary to consult a doctor for those people who take vital medications and those who have chronic diseases. If you are hypersensitive, do not use the plant for treatment.



    The plant has a powerful diuretic effect. To prepare the decoction, pour a teaspoon of leaves into 100 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat for up to half an hour. Then strain, add another 100 ml of boiled water to the broth. Use 40 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon, 6 times a day.



    Dried and fresh stems, leaves and oil are used as a diuretic.

    1. Nettle massage oil: to prepare it, chop fresh leaves and mix with sunflower oil in the same ratio. Then the resulting mass is heated in a water bath until it boils. When cooled, rub into the skin of the feet.
    2. An infusion of a mixture of herbs and nettles: mix equal parts of nettle leaves, St. John's wort and chamomile (1 tsp each), then pour boiling water over it and let steep for 1 hour. Next, divide the infusion into 5 parts, take before meals during the day.



    The herb is a strong natural diuretic. Reduces pain symptoms in pathologies of the excretory system, urolithiasis. Relieves inflammatory processes, the presence of intoxication, improves the acidity of urine. To prepare the decoction, pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of dry stems and leaves of the plant, boil for 10 minutes and strain. Take 1 tablespoon before meals.


    How to get rid of swelling

    There are several ways to treat swelling. In addition to herbs and decoctions, there are at least two more effective methods:

    • Exclusion from the diet of salt, sweets, coffee and smoked products. They all aggravate the situation and contribute to increased swelling. It is necessary to give preference to fruits, vegetables, dairy products and dietary poultry meat.
    • Water baths. A completely elementary way to prevent edema - you just need to take a contrast shower or add salt to the water. This will have a positive effect on getting rid of the problem as quickly as possible.

    Herbal diuretic tablets

    Taking medications to relieve swelling is necessary. They remove excess exudate, which is located in the subcutaneous tissue and puts pressure on the nerve endings. As a result, severe pain occurs.

    Herbal diuretic tablets

    Name and effect of the medicine:

    • Flaronin. It has a powerful diuretic effect and improves blood circulation in the kidneys. Used for a month, 3 times a day.
    • Lespenefril. Increases filtration in the renal tubules, reduces the ratio of nitrogenous substances in the blood, improves urination. Indicated for use in kidney diseases. Available in tincture form.
    • Aflazin or hibiscus extract. Has anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect. Do not use for children under 6 years of age and pregnant women. Allergic reactions are possible.
    • Phytolysin. Without chemical components, plant based, available in the form of a paste. For use: dissolve 0.5 teaspoon in a glass of warm water. Apply 3 times a day.






    This is a moderate-acting drug that is usually prescribed for edema associated with heart failure. "Indapamide" is quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Diuretic tablets reduce the load on the heart and peripheral vessels and stabilize blood pressure. The effect occurs an hour after taking the drug and lasts 12-18 hours. You can buy Indapamide with a prescription, it is inexpensive, but it is a generic (not the original drug). Be sure to check the possible side effects.

    OZON, Russia

    Arterial hypertension;
    sodium and water retention in chronic heart failure. from 8


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    Rules for preparing herbs


    It is recommended to consume all decoctions and infusions before 16:00. This advice is necessary because there will be no regular toilet visits due to the diuretic effect of the herbs, which will allow you to get a good night's sleep. It is also recommended to follow all doctor’s orders and take into account that diuretics have a cumulative effect. Therefore, the first results can be expected only some time after the start of regular treatment.

    Sodium, potassium, and all electrolyte levels should be checked during recommended therapy.


    Drinking tea as a medicinal product is recommended after lunch, when the gastrointestinal tract is in the active phase. It is prohibited to independently select drinks for the elderly, children and pregnant women. If you drink tea for a long time, you need to change its composition and first consult a doctor. To avoid dehydration, you need to drink more clean water.


    Herbs that have a diuretic effect are used as a basis for preparing tinctures with alcohol or vodka. The raw materials must be thoroughly washed and crushed. Fill a container with a lid two-thirds full with herbs. Then add high-quality vodka or alcohol. Infuse for a month. Store in a dark place. If you experience pain in the kidneys or in the heart area, allergic reactions, unstable blood pressure (jumps), you should stop taking the herbal mixture and consult a specialist for medical help.


    Frozen herbal infusions have a deep effect on the skin, moisturize it and provide it with nutrients. Apply these ice cubes in the morning and rub the face for 3 minutes. After the ice procedure, you need to apply cream.

    For dry skin, dilated blood vessels, inflammation and scratches, frozen infusions should not be used. It is also not recommended to use ice before going outside in the winter.

    How to prepare: for the decoction it is better to use water, having previously filtered it. Pour the infused broth into ice molds and let it harden in the freezer.


    This is a potassium-sparing diuretic, which is prescribed for edema due to chronic heart failure and hormonal problems. And although Veroshpiron has a weak diuretic effect, the drug does not remove potassium and does not upset the acid-base balance in the body. The maximum effect of the diuretic occurs after 2-3 days and lasts a long time. You can buy Veroshpiron with a prescription; it is important to take into account the impressive list of contraindications.

    Gedeon Richter, Hungary

    The drug Veroshpiron is a potassium-sparing diuretic.
    from 157


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    Other anti-edema remedies

    To take all medications for edema, you must consult a doctor. You need to make sure that the composition does not contain parabens, fragrances, dyes, animal or mineral fats. Such substances can accumulate and cause harm to the body. Problem areas with swelling should be treated twice a day, in the evening two hours before bedtime. Cleanse facial skin, remove makeup. Do not stretch the skin, rub the eyelids, put pressure on the eye area, or apply medications to the edge of the eyelid.

    Ointments and gels

    Blepharogel is the most popular.
    It contains hyaluronic acid and aloe juice, glycerin. These substances help remove puffiness, fine wrinkles, moisturize the skin, and heal small wounds. Heparin ointment, in addition to its main use, is used by cosmetologists. The components included in its composition promote the resorption of bruises and bruises under the eyes, and reduce wrinkles.

    Traumeel is a homeopathic ointment. Chamomile, belladonna, arnica, witch hazel, which are part of it, have a regenerating and calming effect

    Troxevasin - gel. Can be used as a remedy against edema, promotes the resorption of hematomas.

    Troxerutin. Decongestant, anti-inflammatory, venotonic, angioprotective and antioxidant agent.


    Heparin ointment




    Cosmetical tools

    The line of cosmetics for bags and puffiness under the eyes is presented in the form of firming or moisturizing creams that are applied under basic makeup. There are also cooling ointments and creams for the delicate area around the eyes. Before the first use of care products, it is necessary to conduct a test to exclude the occurrence of allergic reactions. You need to apply a small amount of cream or ointment to your wrist and observe for half an hour. The lack of reaction makes it possible to use the care product. If allergies occur, it should not be used.

    Cosmetic masks help eliminate swelling. You can choose one that suits you, both in a pharmacy and in a chain of stores. Massaging the area around the eyes and the entire face will help cope with swelling. It improves skin elasticity, reduces muscle tension, promotes tissue regeneration and activation of cellular metabolism, and eliminates swelling of the eyelids. Massage should be carried out after cleansing the facial skin with special products. After the procedure, apply cream or use a mask.

    Triampur compositum

    This diuretic does not have a very pronounced effect and does not remove potassium from the body, only water, salts and toxins. That is why Triampur compositum is considered the safest diuretic drug, which is prescribed for edema due to chronic heart failure and liver problems. Triampur begins to act 15 minutes after administration, and the effect lasts about 12 hours. Doctors say that this diuretic is safe for relieving facial swelling, is quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, and has a gentle effect.

    Triampur compositum
    AVD.pharma, Croatia

    -arterial hypertension;
    —edematous syndrome of various origins (with chronic heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, liver cirrhosis). from 256


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