29 weeks of pregnancy: your baby is almost full term

On the pregnancy calendar, the 29th obstetric week, the 27th from fertilization, the 25th from delayed menstruation.
  • What awaits the mother and fetus at this time?
  • What tests need to be taken?
  • What should you pay attention to?
  • What should you tell your gynecologist at your appointment?

We will tell you in the article how to eat properly and how to organize your daily life.

  • Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist
  • Uterus and belly
  • Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body
  • Discharge
  • Bleeding and menstruation
  • Nutrition
  • Weight
  • It is possible and it is not possible
  • Problems of the 29th week of pregnancy
  • Fetus. Development at 29 weeks

    Development in the 29th week The 29th week is the time when the fetus is actively growing and improving its body. Its weight reaches from 1.1 to 1.5 kg, and its height is 35 to 39 cm. Every day there is less and less free space in the uterus. Now the baby rolls over less, kicks and knocks more often.

    The processes of preparing the body of the future baby continue. Gradually, the organs begin to work harmoniously, forming an integral system. The processes of maturation and honing of basic functions are reaching the finish line.

    The most important system of the human body is the nervous system. She is continuously improving from the first days after fertilization and by the 29th week she completes the stage of intrauterine development. The main changes during this period occur in the center of the nervous system - the brain.

    Most of the neurons formed before birth have appeared and are mastering their functions. The fetus has learned not only to perceive information coming from all parts of the body, but also to process and assimilate it. This is the main mechanism that allows you to develop thinking. After birth, this streamlined process will allow the baby to absorb a huge layer of information about the world around him and learn the whole variety of skills available to a person.

    Important work is also going on in the departments responsible for the sensory sphere. At the 29th week, the fetus can already distinguish between light and dark, hear sounds, taste, smell and touch. The baby can not only perceive various sensations, but also remember them. A newborn baby, using the information learned in the mother’s womb, easily recognizes his mother’s voice, the smell of her milk, and reacts to light.

    Interesting! Based on observations of the brains of babies at the 29th week of pregnancy, some scientists conclude that the fetus can already dream.

    The endocrine system, which regulates the functioning of internal organs, continues to improve during this period. Her organs actively produce hormones to provide the fetus with everything necessary and accumulate their reserves for the first days of life. The pancreas and adrenal glands develop most actively at the 29th week. The amount of insulin secreted in the pancreas increases. Now the fruit is fully provided with this important substance for processing incoming sugars.

    The adrenal glands produce hormones that, entering the maternal blood through the umbilical cord, are converted into estriol. The resulting substance stimulates an increase in prolactin in the maternal body. Ultimately, a woman’s mammary glands prepare for lactation faster.

    The fetal blood supply system is improved. The heart beats about 150 times per minute, delivering the necessary substances to every cell of the body. The bone marrow is involved in hematopoiesis, and by the end of the week the blood, becoming stable in composition, almost perfectly matches the blood of a newborn. The liver has stopped producing red blood cells and is being rebuilt to its basic functions. At this stage of fetal development, the lobes to which the blood flow is built are formed.

    The skeletal system is formed; the baby already has about 270 bones that actively store calcium. They are still very flexible and will begin to ossify only after childbirth.

    Every day, for the development of the fetus, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D are needed. If there is insufficient amount of these substances in the diet of a pregnant woman, the body removes them from maternal reserves. As a result, you may experience soft and brittle teeth, leg cramps, etc. To avoid these consequences, it is advisable to eat cheese, cottage cheese, chicken eggs and cereals daily. If necessary, compensate for the lack of vitamins with food supplements prescribed by the gynecologist.

    Fetal growth at the 29th week occurs due to an increase in tubular bones. Weight is gained through the development of muscles and subcutaneous fat. The baby becomes more well-fed, folds appear on the arms and legs, and the cheeks become rounded.

    The skin at this stage of development is practically formed. Every day it becomes lighter and smoother. The wrinkles, clearly visible a few weeks ago, are straightening out. Nerve endings are activated throughout the surface. The fetus feels touch anywhere on the body.

    The hair on the head continues to be colored in the color programmed by genetics. Little by little the lanugo (fluff) begins to fall off. The skin gradually takes away the function of thermoregulation, and the need for vernix and lanugo disappears. By birth, only a small part of these elements will remain, necessary to facilitate the birth process.

    The fallen lanugo particles and epithelial cells remain in the amniotic fluid. Together with other substances, some of them enter the fetal gastrointestinal system through the mouth. There is an active debugging of the digestion process. In the stomach, amniotic fluid is broken down into water, sugars and unnecessary elements. Sugars processed by insulin are sent to the development of the body, unnecessary substances are stored in the intestines, excess water is removed from the fetal body through the kidneys. Every day, up to half a liter of liquid comes out of the baby’s urinary system.

    The pulmonary system is the least ready to work outside the mother's body this week. It continues to form alveoli (tiny bubbles responsible for gas exchange) and surfactant (a substance that prevents alveoli from sticking together). These processes will continue until the birth of the fetus.

    Despite the immaturity of the pulmonary system, when a baby is born at this stage, the chances of survival are high. Perhaps the baby will even be able to breathe on his own. But a pregnant woman should not relax and expose herself and her baby to danger. In the absence of a direct threat to the life of the mother and child, it is recommended to strive to extend the gestation period as much as possible so that the internal systems can mature for a full life outside the mother’s body.

    Mother. Changes in the state of the body at 29 weeks

    Changes in the state of the body at the 29th week There is only one week left before the maternity leave, and the expectant mother increasingly feels why the word “pregnancy” comes from the word “burden”. It becomes more and more difficult to walk and sleep, activity decreases, weakness and drowsiness appear. Every day the woman gets tired faster, the ease in her movements disappears.

    During this period, unpleasant sensations may appear in the pelvic area. Some women may experience minor pain in the tailbone area. This is how the process of preparing the pelvic floor for future births manifests itself. The bones soften and begin to separate. The body is preparing to release new life into the world.

    The growing uterus puts more and more pressure on surrounding organs, which is why the pregnant woman notes:

    • increased frequency of urination. In some cases, even false urges appear. This unpleasant companion of pregnancy will accompany the woman until childbirth;
    • the appearance of shortness of breath and a feeling of stuffiness in breathing. It will become easier in the last weeks of pregnancy, when the uterus drops lower, preparing for childbirth;
    • heartburn and digestive difficulties. Appetite does not decrease, but the amount of food that can be eaten without feeling heavy is reduced. Following nutritional rules can help relieve symptoms (we’ll look at them in more detail below);
    • difficulty with bowel movements. A slight delay in stool is quite normal, but if a woman cannot poop for 2 days or more, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. Dried apricots and prunes and adherence to a drinking regime with an increase in the amount of clean water can improve the process of defecation.

    These signs are normal for the 29th week. You should be concerned and consult a gynecologist if you find:

    • pain or burning when urinating;
    • changes in urine color: dark or cloudy;
    • pain on the sides of the back at the lumbar level;
    • swelling in the legs, arms, face;
    • changes in blood pressure, accompanied by headache, heaviness in the back of the head;
    • pain in the anus;
    • the appearance of heaviness and pain in the legs, cramps, spider veins.

    Each woman is unique, and at 29 weeks, different signs of term may appear. It is advisable to closely monitor your well-being and tell your gynecologist about all new sensations and changes in the body. Sometimes even minor details allow the doctor to promptly adjust a woman’s behavior or nutrition to ensure the best conditions for a favorable completion of pregnancy.


    At the 29th week, the fetus becomes larger and already occupies almost all the free space in the uterus. Because of this, it is difficult for him to turn over often, so the expectant mother mainly feels kicks. Every day the woman feels the baby's movements more and more clearly. Sometimes kicking your foot can cause pain.

    At this time, it is worth counting the number of movements of the baby. Normally, in 12 hours, the expectant mother should feel 10 blows or turns. You need to be wary if the fetus does not move for several hours, or its movements have become too active.


    • Rest should be complete.
    • You should not refuse to take vitamins if your doctor prescribes them.
    • It is important to monitor your weight gain daily. If the increase is more than 350 g per week, then you should start to worry.
    • To minimize the risk of injury, as well as to ease the load on your feet, you should avoid wearing high-heeled shoes.
    • Whenever possible, you should do simple exercises. They will strengthen the muscles and prepare them for the upcoming birth.
    • During rest, you should try not to lie on your back. This way the vena cava will not be pinched, which will allow the child to receive enough oxygen.
    • To prevent sagging of the abdomen, doctors recommend wearing a special prenatal bandage. It also helps relieve stress on the lower back and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.
    • If possible, you should definitely visit the pool. During swimming, all muscles are strengthened, while the back does not experience stress.
    • Elimination of any digestive problems should be timely. This applies to constipation, heartburn, and hemorrhoids. But self-medication during pregnancy is not acceptable.
    • When your baby kicks too hard, you can try to change his body position. It is possible that this will help calm the brawler.

    Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist

    Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist
    At the 29th week of pregnancy, it is possible to schedule a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist. On the eve of the meeting, it is necessary to undergo tests, directions for which were issued during the last visit. In most cases, only general blood and urine tests will be required. Sometimes, for additional monitoring, referrals for blood tests are issued:

    • on sugar levels;
    • for antibodies;
    • for hormones;
    • biochemistry.

    Based on the test results, a story about the well-being of the expectant mother, anamnesis, and examination data at the appointment, the doctor will be able to draw a conclusion about the development of pregnancy and the health status of the mother and baby.

    The measurements taken during a routine consultation are checked by the doctor against the time limits. The gynecologist evaluates:

    • weight. The weight gained by the pregnant woman from the moment of registration is calculated;
    • abdominal volume and uterine fundus height. These indicators make it possible to assess the compliance of sizes with the deadline to exclude pathologies;
    • arterial pressure;
    • body temperature;
    • heart rate.

    Additionally, during the appointment, the doctor will listen to the fetal heartbeat using a stethoscope. May ask to see lower legs to check for swelling

    If necessary, the woman will be given directions for additional research.

    At week 29, a referral for cardiotocography (CTG) can be issued. This study allows you to determine the fetal heart rate and the degree of uterine tone. From 32 weeks, fetal cardiotocography is mandatory every 10 days.

    From the 30th week of pregnancy, the woman will need to re-visit specialists and take additional blood tests. In some cases, doctors issue referrals at an appointment at 29 weeks.


    A routine ultrasound is not performed at the 29th week of pregnancy. Referrals for ultrasound examination are issued for medical reasons if pathology is suspected.

    If desired, you can undergo an ultrasound scan for a fee to confirm the favorable course of pregnancy.

    Uterus and belly

    This week the uterus is at a height of 29 cm from the symphysis pubis, about 8-10 cm above the navel.

    The abdomen increases by 1 cm every week. The navel begins to protrude forward. This change should not worry a pregnant woman. After giving birth, everything will return to its previous place. This week you may experience itching in the lower abdomen and discomfort. This is normal, but you should increase your skin care routine to reduce the likelihood of stretch marks. A gynecologist should advise a cream suitable for a pregnant woman.

    Spread of itching to other parts of the body requires special attention and additional consultation. Quite often this is how liver dysfunction manifests itself. To identify this pathology, it is necessary to take an additional blood test.

    Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

    Pain in different parts of the body is not uncommon during the 29th week. They usually appear in the late afternoon, after physical activity or being in one position for a long time. If the painful sensation goes away quickly after resting or changing body position, then there is no need to worry.

    If the pain does not go away or appears periodically, it is necessary to analyze its nature, seek advice from a gynecologist or medical help at the maternity hospital.

    You need to visit a gynecologist who monitors your pregnancy if you have pain:

    • localized on the sides of the back, at the lumbar level. It would be ideal if you could take a urine test before the meeting;
    • in the legs. It is especially important to consult a doctor if you notice swelling that does not go away after rest, or if you have seizures or spider veins. Most often, pain during this period is caused by: varicose veins, swelling, lack of nutrients. Any of these disorders should be monitored by a physician;
    • periodically appears in the head, while there is heaviness in the back of the head. Ideally, before meeting with a gynecologist, you can monitor your blood pressure;
    • in the anus. Hemorrhoids are a frequent accompaniment of pregnancy, but they need to be treated under the supervision of a specialist so that the selection of medications is carried out taking into account possible harm to the unborn baby.

    It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance if the pain:

    • pressing, pulling, aggravated in the back, at the lumbar level and below;
    • cramping, pulling, intensifying in the abdomen, accompanied by increased tone;
    • pressing, pulling in the perineum and thighs.


    At the 29th week of pregnancy, the amount of vaginal discharge remains the same. There should normally be no change in color, odor or consistency.

    If the discharge has become green or yellow, or has changed in smell or consistency, you should consult a gynecologist for advice.

    The appearance of red or brown discharge is a reason to urgently seek medical help.

    Bleeding and menstruation

    Normally, there should be no bleeding or menstruation at 29 weeks of pregnancy. The onset of bleeding or even a small amount of blood from the perineum is a reason to urgently seek medical help to identify the causes.

    Good to know

    Edema during pregnancy

    What is gestosis

    Dangerous changes: gestosis in pregnant women

    Swelling, protein in urine, high blood pressure: gestosis in pregnant women

    Pregnancy: dangerous signs. When to go to the doctor?

    Intrauterine growth restriction

    All texts for pages about mother and baby were kindly provided by RAMA Publishing - these are chapters from the book by Svetlana Klaas “Your Favorite Little Man from Conception to Birth”, reviewer Irina Nikolaevna Kononova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ural State Medical Academy (Ekaterinburg).


    Nutrition in the 29th week of pregnancy
    Compliance with simple rules of nutrition for a pregnant woman is an important aspect for maintaining satisfactory health and providing the growing fetus with everything it needs. The expectant mother should monitor the intake of all necessary elements into the body, while controlling weight gain.

    Among the necessary elements at the 29th week of pregnancy are:

    • calcium: cottage cheese, cheeses, almonds, bananas, broccoli;
    • magnesium: brown rice, buckwheat, chicken eggs;
    • iron: organ meats, red meat, pumpkin seeds, egg yolks, apples;
    • phosphorus: cereals, cheeses, broccoli;
    • iodine: cranberries, prunes, sea fish, seaweed;
    • folic acid: organ meats, asparagus, broccoli;
    • vitamin A: carrots, pumpkin, liver, dried apricots, apples;
    • B vitamins: bananas, red meat, almonds, walnuts;
    • vitamin C: broccoli, rose hips, black currants, strawberries, mango, cauliflower;
    • vitamin E: fish, broccoli, asparagus, fruits.
    • vitamin D: chicken eggs, beef liver, sea fish.

    In addition, you need to eat rich foods:

    • protein: cheese, cottage cheese, sea fish, beans;
    • fatty acids: red meat, dairy products, walnuts;
    • fiber: fruits and vegetables.

    To prevent the digestion process from causing significant inconvenience, a number of rules should be followed:

    • eat little, but often. The ideal is to eat 5-6 times a day every 2-2.5 hours;
    • do not overeat. Finish eating until you feel full;
    • one dish per meal;
    • breakfast - porridge, lunch - meat/fish with vegetables; dinner - light food. Snack between main meals - vegetables and fruits (boiled or raw), nuts, dried fruits;
    • do not eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you need a snack before bed, it is better to make an apple or yogurt;
    • observe the drinking regime. In the absence of special instructions from the gynecologist, drink about 1.5 liters of liquid daily, not counting soup;
    • exclude harmful foods, semi-finished products, alcohol;
    • do not drink strong tea and coffee unless the gynecologist recommends otherwise;
    • reduce the amount of salt consumed to a minimum.


    Taking vitamins and dietary supplements in the 29th week of pregnancy should be carried out strictly as prescribed by the gynecologist. Uncontrolled use of multivitamins, without taking into account the characteristics of the region, the health status of the pregnant woman, or the obvious need, can lead to undesirable consequences. The prescription of certain dietary supplements should be carried out taking into account not only the beneficial substance necessary for a woman, but also additional elements that affect the absorption of a vitamin or microelement.

    In some cases, to determine the need to prescribe a certain vitamin, additional studies will be needed to confirm that there is a deficiency of a certain element.

    In rare cases, microelement failure is detected due to the characteristics of the female body. In such a situation, taking dietary supplements will not solve the issue of microelement deficiency, and therapy will be necessary.


    Normally, by the 29th week of pregnancy, a woman should gain from 8 to 11.5 kg. In some cases, it is possible to deviate from these indicators to a lesser or greater extent without concomitant pathology. It is the gynecologist's job to decide whether the weight gained is normal for a particular woman. The assessment is made based on the overall rate of weight gain, body mass index before pregnancy, test results and other indicators.

    The gained weight is calculated by subtracting the data obtained during registration from the current weight.

    In the next 7 days, it is recommended to gain no more than 500 g.

    Physical exercise

    Activity at week 29 can already be gradually reduced. It is not recommended to walk or stand for a long time, as well as run or jump. You can take a leisurely walk and do some simple exercises. Visiting the pool and yoga, performing breathing exercises may be relevant.


    If the gestation process proceeds without problems, then there are no contraindications to sex. During sexual relations, it is important to be careful not to put pressure on the stomach.

    In most cases, the ban on intimacy applies to women who:

    • multiple pregnancy;
    • problems with the cervix;
    • placental presentation;
    • risk of placental abruption.

    There are other reasons for recommending abstinence from sex, which the obstetrician will definitely inform you about.

    It is possible and it is not possible

    Caution and attentive attitude towards oneself is the main task of a pregnant woman in the third trimester of pregnancy. It is recommended to follow some tips to avoid negative consequences:

    • follow the gynecologist’s orders and take all prescribed tests in a timely manner;
    • exclude alcohol, nicotine, drugs;
    • minimize contact with household and construction chemicals;
    • observe drinking and eating regime. Avoid harmful foods and semi-finished products;
    • monitor your daily routine. Try to sleep at least 8 hours at night, eat 5-6 small meals a day, rest every 60 minutes during physical activity, change positions and warm up every 20 minutes when doing sedentary work;
    • maintain hygiene, monitor the cleanliness of the room in which the pregnant woman is located. Do not forget about frequent ventilation;
    • avoid household tasks that require lifting or rearranging heavy objects, working with arms raised high, or contact with complex chemical elements;
    • minimize contact with sick loved ones, avoid crowded places, especially during epidemics;
    • start preparing for childbirth: attend courses for expectant parents, perform Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles;
    • keep calm, good mood.


    Intimate life in the 29th week of pregnancy is not prohibited unless there is direct instruction from the gynecologist. If a woman feels good and does not experience any unpleasant sensations, then sex is not only acceptable, but also recommended. If the expectant mother is in doubt, then she needs to see a gynecologist directly. After assessing the health of the mother and child, the doctor will allow or limit sexual contact.

    When having sex, you should remember safety. Choose positions that eliminate pressure on the abdomen, excessive stress on the woman, and excessively deep and intense penetration. Intimate life should bring maximum pleasure, without inconvenience or discomfort.

    Recommendations for the expectant mother

    • Follow a daily routine, make sure your nutrition is correct and nutritious, walk more in the fresh air;
    • Take vitamins and minerals as recommended by your doctor;
    • If you feel tired after a long walk, lie down so that your legs are slightly above the level of your heart. To do this, they can be placed on a cushion or blanket. A foot bath with cool water also helps relieve fatigue;
    • Wear a bandage. It allows you to support your stomach and reduces the load on the spine. It is correct to put on the bandage while lying on your back. At the same time, you do not need to tighten it too much; you should feel comfortable support in the back and lower abdomen;
    • If you still haven’t been able to find a comfortable sleeping position, use several pillows or purchase a special pillow for pregnant women. Adequate rest and quality sleep are simply necessary;
    • 29 weeks of pregnancy is the time to start reading literature about raising children and caring for newborns. It is unlikely that you will be able to do this for the first months after giving birth;
    • Control your weight, eat right, and do exercises for pregnant women. Visits to the hairdresser and manicurist are not prohibited.

    Problems of the 29th week of pregnancy

    Problems of the 29th week of pregnancy
    At the 29th week, a woman should continue to closely monitor her well-being and observe the changes occurring in her body.

    In this case, you should treat the appearance of certain symptoms calmly, without panic. If you have questions, avoid making a diagnosis before consulting with specialists. Stress and unconfirmed fears can cause various problems. It is recommended to remain calm and contact specialists in a timely manner.

    A pregnant woman should know which symptoms require urgent medical attention:

    • Pain in the abdomen, back, perineum and/or thighs. The appearance of increasing, cramping pain in any of the designated parts of the body separately or simultaneously;
    • An unusual decrease in fetal activity (no movement for more than 5 hours) or a significant increase in it;
    • Lack of growth in abdominal circumference within a week or a sharp increase in this parameter;
    • Rapid appearance of a large number of stretch marks on the surface of the abdomen;
    • Severe intestinal cramps, diarrhea;
    • Vomiting or nausea;
    • Discharge from the perineum is red or brown;
    • Rush of amniotic fluid. During the day or at the same time, too liquid discharge appears from the vagina in a significant amount;
    • Gurgling sound in the uterine area;
    • Periodic darkening of the eyes, loss of consciousness;
    • Blurred vision;
    • Increased thirst and hunger;
    • Severe swelling of the arms, legs, face, subject to drinking regime and salt control;
    • Pressure surges with severe headaches.

    Having discovered the indicated symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance for prompt diagnosis and treatment. The indicated signs may appear individually or several at a time. You shouldn’t take risks and put off seeking medical help until tomorrow to avoid negative consequences.

    The called ambulance team will take the woman to the maternity hospital, where she will be placed in the pregnancy pathology department. Studies and tests will be carried out to identify the cause of the appearance of undesirable symptoms, and based on the results, a decision will be made on further treatment or delivery.

    The causes of these symptoms can be various pathologies of pregnancy:

    • polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios;
    • gestosis;
    • fetoplacental insufficiency;
    • pregnancy diabetes;
    • placenta previa;
    • the beginning of the birth process, etc.

    Any pathology requires medical monitoring and a thorough analysis of the condition of the mother and child in order to select the appropriate treatment. In some cases, emergency delivery is necessary. In this case, it is ideal if the baby is born in conditions where he can receive all the necessary medical care.

    The 29th week is the beginning of the most difficult period of pregnancy. Weight gain and decreased activity make it difficult to move and maintain a normal lifestyle. But don't be upset. There are only 10 weeks left until the ideal moment for the birth of the baby, and after 7 days, the mother will be able to devote all her time to preparing for childbirth. Maternity leave, starting from the 30th week, will allow you to get ready to meet your baby and resolve all the necessary issues.

    The future baby becomes stronger every day, and his blows are more noticeable. Try to talk to him more often, sing him songs, tell him how much you are looking forward to him. This will allow you to tune in to a positive mood. Do not neglect the recommendations of the gynecologist and the tips posted in this article. The experience of millions of women who gave birth before you allows you to avoid not only negative consequences, but also improve your overall well-being.

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    What happens to the stomach

    The belly continues to increase in size as the baby grows and develops. The skin on the abdomen becomes increasingly tight, which can lead to feelings of dryness and itching. To reduce discomfort, you need to moisturize it regularly. To do this, you can use regular cream, or a special gel or milk. Various oils help to cope with dry skin.

    Sometimes itching in the abdominal area is caused by completely different reasons that are not related to pregnancy. For example, the skin may itch due to exposure to an allergen (washing powder, food, cosmetics, etc.). In this case, you should try to independently determine the cause of the allergic reaction and try to get rid of the irritant. If this is not possible, you must contact specialists.

    Sometimes women watch with surprise the rhythmic twitching of the abdomen. Do not be alarmed, they occur due to the fact that the child hiccups. As a rule, hiccups do not last long.

    From time to time, a woman may feel mild pain in the abdominal area, similar to contractions. In this way, the uterus is prepared for the upcoming birth, and the contractions themselves are training. All you have to do is lie down on your side and rest, after which everything will pass.

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