acute respiratory infections
Sometimes patients complain of wandering pains throughout the body of varying intensity, they can suddenly
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Bovbel I.E. The administration of antitussives, expectorants or mucolytics is one of the main
The most common upper respiratory tract infections are infections of the nasal mucosa (i.e. rhinitis or
Otitis is one of the most common diagnoses in a doctor’s daily practice -
Prevention of influenza, ARVI and coronavirus is a single set of measures aimed at preventing morbidity.
Anatomy The anterior part is called the hard palate, it occupies two-thirds of the total volume, the posterior
Author Peter Deryabin 11/27/2003 08:56 (Updated: 11/26/2021 18:44) Health » Health and prevention B
The most common complaints with which people turn to doctors are runny nose, cough and
LEVODOPA + BENSERAZIDE Special instructions Adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, possible at the initial stage of treatment, in
How an inhaler works How to assemble a nebulizer chamber How to perform inhalations What to put in an inhaler