Anonymous Around the clock Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm.
What provokes / Causes of Trichinosis: Trichinella - small, almost thread-like helminths (thrix - hair),
The hand is a part of the human hand, which consists of the bones of the wrist, metacarpus, fingers (phalanx)
What is a lung lipoma Lipoma belongs to a class of benign formations that grow from fatty tissue
Causes of wet cough Phlegm or mucus in a healthy person is constantly excreted without irritating the receptors
What is anal itching (itching in the anus) Anal itching is a pathological sensation
Home / Articles / How to give yourself an enema if you are constipated? Cleansing enema -
Oligomenorrhea is a menstrual disorder characterized by a decrease in the duration of menstruation to 2 days or less.
What is black cumin, its description Black cumin is a type of cumin from the plant
Indications for a biochemical blood test The study is carried out at the first stage of diagnosing any somatic