A pinched nerve of the cervical spine is a pathological condition in which compression of the nerve roots occurs
Features of candidiasis in men and women Symptoms of thrush Causes How to prevent the development of thrush
Until recently, pulse oximeters were used only by athletes and people with pulmonary or cardiovascular diseases.
Summer has come - a time for active recreation, summer cottages and vegetable gardens. The time of abrasions and wounds, and
Growth hormone (somatotropic hormone, STH) belongs to the category of pituitary hormones. Growth hormone test
The fallopian tubes are named after the Italian physician Gabriel Fallopius, who first described their structure.
Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, accompanied by severe pain, which can be easily cured.
Sometimes patients complain of wandering pains throughout the body of varying intensity, they can suddenly
Congenital syphilis is one of the manifestations or clinical forms of syphilis. The child becomes infected
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Bovbel I.E. The administration of antitussives, expectorants or mucolytics is one of the main