Over-the-counter sleeping pills for sound sleep – 12 mild medications

Sleep disturbance is a common problem that plagues people of any gender and age. If in youth this phenomenon can be associated with fatigue, nervous tension or psychosomatics, then in old age poor sleep is considered the norm.

To extend their rest, people use sleeping pills, which are most often self-prescribed. Such a careless attitude towards health can play a cruel joke, and the lack of effect of a medicine for insomnia is the most harmless of the possible consequences.

Effect of sleeping pills

Hearing about sleeping pills, many do not fully understand what they are, how they work, and what effect they have. In addition to the fact that these drugs help you fall asleep, they have an indirect effect on organs and entire systems of the body.

Sleeping pills act on certain lobes of the brain responsible for the cycle of wakefulness and sleep. By slowing down the supply of impulses to the brain, sleeping pills thus lead to inhibition of the central nervous system. In this case, a similar effect to the effect of alcoholic beverages and drugs is observed.

ATTENTION! You should not take sleeping pills when traveling on an airplane. Being at an altitude of several thousand km, blood tends to thicken. The drugs reduce body movement during sleep to a minimum, which increases the risk of blood clots that clog arteries.

Depending on the duration of the effect, there is the following classification of the action of sleeping pills:

  • short duration (3-4 hours) – typical for drugs that reduce nervous excitability. Such substances do not interfere with the structure and phases of sleep, but only promote sleep. The next morning the person is again alert and active;
  • medium (5-8 hours) - suppresses nervous activity, but interferes with the structure of sleep, making it deeper and without frequent awakenings. The person shows signs of mental retardation;
  • long-term (8-12 hours) - this effect is exerted by potent drugs, exacerbating the inhibition processes. They often have a number of negative consequences, but at the same time remain the most effective.

Indications for use

Sleep disturbance in adults is characterized by insomnia (when, even being tired, a person cannot fall asleep), hypersomnia (constant drowsiness, depression, accompanied by decreased energy), frequent awakenings during sleep (5-6 times or more often). The consequences of all these deviations are loss of strength, irritability, memory problems, impaired thinking, and headaches.

Insomnia can be caused by a stuffy room, late meals, uncomfortable bed, stress, physical inactivity

All causes that arise in old age are divided into external and internal. Internal factors:

  • post-stroke condition;
  • stress;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • age-related dementia;
  • disrupted routine;
  • accompanying diseases;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • decreased blood sugar;
  • limb spasms;
  • uncontrolled use of medications.

Problematic sleep in an adult is accompanied by prolonged falling asleep, sensitivity (when any rustle can interrupt rest), and frequent awakenings. If one of the symptoms is present or the causes of insomnia are unclear, you should seek help from a doctor.



  1. Levin Ya.I. The joys and sorrows of sleep. //Breast cancer 2008. Pain syndrome. Special issue.
  2. Levin Ya.I., Strygin K.N. Donormil in the treatment of insomnia. //Treatment of nervous diseases. 2005.
  3. Clinical pharmacology. Edited by acad. RAMS, prof. V.G. Kukesa. Moscow, publishing group "GEOTAR-Media", 2008.
  4. Markin S.P. The influence of sleep disturbances on the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment in patients who have suffered a stroke. //RMZh 2008.
  5. Ostroumova O.D. Sleeping pills (hypnotics) in the practice of a general practitioner // “RMZh” No. 18 of 08/17/2010.

Features of drug selection

Only after identifying the cause does the doctor prescribe the appropriate drug. Considering the age-related characteristics of the body, there are some nuances in taking sleeping pills for older people. It is possible to overcome external causes without medications or with the use of mild medications.

Potent tranquilizers and barbiturates are not recommended for elderly patients, as they not only increase the risk of sleep paralysis, but also have many side effects.


There are many types of sleep aids, which differ not only in the duration of exposure, but also in the mode of action, release form, composition, etc.

  • Tranquilizers are anti-anxiety components prescribed in cases of mental disorders and neuroses. Relieves emotional stress and fear. Prescribed only in the presence of neurotic disorders.
  • Barbiturates are potent drugs with a long-lasting effect that depress the central nervous system. Prescribed for severe somnological disorders. They have an analgesic, anticonvulsant effect, are addictive, disrupt sleep structure, and negatively affect the functioning of the respiratory and vascular centers.
  • Natural – a light product based on herbal ingredients. They are not addictive, have a sedative effect, do not disrupt sleep patterns and do not affect reactions (acceptable when driving or performing work). But such drugs only soothe, without solving more serious problems.
  • Synthetic – contain an analogue of the “sleep” hormone melatonin and histamine receptor blockers. The drugs support physiological sleep and are available without a prescription.
  • Homeopathic - a safe sleeping pill, recommended for old people even after a stroke. It is recommended to begin treatment of insomnia with these drugs, moving to stronger analogues if necessary.

Due to a slower metabolism, older people are prescribed reduced dosages of sleeping pills. But treatment with short-acting drugs does not always give results.

Antidepressants, tranquilizers and barbiturates are highly not recommended for normalizing sleep in the elderly. The most harmless remedy is based on herbs.


Prescription drugs are considered the most potent. These include Zaleplon, Zolpidem, Geminevril, Hypnogen. They have a powerful effect and quickly restore sleep duration. But they contribute to addiction, withdrawal effects, disruption of the duration of phases, and reduce activity during the day.

To protect yourself from these negative consequences, it is better for adults to pay attention to over-the-counter medications:

Treatment of insomnia with hypnosis

  • "Novo-Passit" is a combined drug based on plant extracts (lemon balm, St. John's wort, valerian, hawthorn) and synthetic additives. Drink in courses or periodically. Has a relaxing, calming effect;
  • Donormil is an effective remedy with a quick effect (minimum dosages and a short period of use are sufficient to normalize sleep). Reduces the time to fall asleep and increases the duration of sleep;
  • "Sonmil" - has a pronounced sedative effect, improves the quality of sleep without interfering with its phases. Side effects are rare, but usually include daytime drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation;
  • “Glycine” is a cheap sedative that stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieves emotional stress, and improves mental activity. The basis of the drug is the amino acid of the same name, magnesium stearate, water-soluble methylcellulose. While remaining absolutely safe, the drug has strong nootropic properties and relieves insomnia;
  • “Persen night” is a sedative based on natural ingredients: valerian, lemon balm, magnesium oxide and stearate, lactose monohydrate, etc. By reducing the excitability of the central nervous system, it normalizes blood pressure and heart function. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to use it for 1-1.5 months on a regular basis.

CAREFULLY! Long-term use of sleeping pills provokes addiction, and it will be very difficult to fall asleep without drugs in the future.

Drugs with and without addiction

Long-term or uncontrolled use of potent drugs to improve sleep leads to addiction. After this, the body no longer perceives the active substance, and difficulties falling asleep return. A similar phenomenon is typical for benzodiazepines and barbiturates (Phenazepam, Cyclobarbital, Quazepam).

Drug dependence develops gradually: when the central nervous system no longer responds to incoming substances, patients increase the dosage, and a one-time dose before bed is replaced by regular and systematic use of pills. Dependence can be recognized by disruption of rest-activity rhythms, causeless aggression and irritability, and apathy.

An addictive drug provokes the onset/exacerbation of diseases (cirrhosis, myocardial dystrophy, toxic hepatitis) and can lead to death

For safety reasons, you should follow the doctor's instructions and carefully read the instructions before starting treatment. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the list of non-addictive sleeping pills. These are mainly histamine blockers and herbal ingredients:

  • "Novo-Passit";
  • "Melaxen";
  • "Donormil";
  • "Calm down";
  • "Persen."

Valocardin and Corvalol, popular among the elderly population, are in demand due to their low cost. Moreover, they contain the narcotic substance phenobarbital, which is prescribed only in difficult situations. The drugs provoke a lot of negative consequences and are highly addictive.

Release form

Pharmacology is developing every day and cares not only about the effectiveness of sleeping pills, but also about the convenience of their use. Drugs to improve sleep today are available not only in tablets, but also in drops, capsules, powder, solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

Most potent drugs are released in all pharmacological forms: Melatonin, Brotizolam, Methaqualone, Midazolam, Fulsed - they can be found both in tablets or drops, and in the form of solutions. Sleeping pills in ampoules are highly effective.

Despite the possibility of purchasing without a prescription, their use is strictly coordinated with the treating doctor. For short-term sleep disturbances, 1-2 injections are sufficient; long-term insomnia is treated with injections for no more than 1 month.

The best over-the-counter injections:

  • "Dormikum";
  • "Heminevrin";
  • "Flormidal";
  • "Elzepam".

They do not have a cumulative effect, the duration of action is 6-8 hours, and the effectiveness depends on the administered dose. Thus, small dosages eliminate anxiety and pain, large dosages relieve insomnia. If the patient experiences breathing problems during sleep, the use of sleeping pills is strictly prohibited.

Over-the-counter medications

  1. "Melaxen";
  2. "Donormil";
  3. "Sonmil";
  4. "Dormiplant";
  5. "Persen";
  6. "Phenazepam";
  7. "Novo-Passit";
  8. "Sonylux";
  9. "Phytosedan";
  10. "Glycine".

Insomnia is an indicator of problems, so you need to take this symptom seriously. The drugs discussed are exclusively symptomatic medications that do not solve the problem and do not eliminate the cause. It should be remembered that the active compounds can cause allergies, so preliminary tolerability tests will not hurt.

The most effective drugs

The best remedy for insomnia is the one that does not cause side effects and solves the problem, it varies from person to person. Due to the individual characteristics of the body and health status, it is necessary to be diagnosed in a hospital before starting treatment. Otherwise, what suited your neighbor or friend may not only have no effect on you, but also lead to a number of deviations.

Depending on the degree and nature of sleep disorders, doctors most often prescribe the following remedies, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

NameDescriptionprice, rub.
"Fitosedan"The completely herbal composition promotes relaxation, quick falling asleep, and elimination of tachycardia. Available in the form of tea bags that need to be brewed and drunk in 15 minutes. before bedtime. Allowed after a stroke. 70
"Persen"Liquid sedative based on herbs (available in the form of syrup, drops, tablets). Relaxes tense muscles and the nervous system - this is often enough for older people to quickly fall asleep. Not recommended for bile duct problems. 235
"Afobazol"It is a mild tranquilizer and is prescribed for serious sleep disorders accompanied by anxiety and stress. Does not cause addiction, does not interfere with mental and physical activity. It acts quickly and has no contraindications. 289
"Melaxen"Take 30 minutes before. before bed to normalize biorhythms. If you are hypersensitive to any of the components, reduce the intake to half a tablet. 531
"Donormil"A synthetic fast-acting drug in the form of effervescent tablets and pills with a pronounced sedative and hypnotic effect. The period of action is about 8 hours, after which the drug is completely eliminated from the body. 141
"Novo-Passit"A proven herbal sedative. You can take syrup or tablets before bed. Effectively relaxes and is not addictive. 200
"Zolpidem"A quick-acting drug prescribed after a stroke. One of the advantages is that, in addition to insomnia, it solves many other health problems (restores the activity of nerve cells, relieves seizures). The downside is that it has many contraindications. 1650
"Barboval"Odorless and tasteless sleeping pills in drops. Contains phenobarbital, bromisovaleric acid ester, validol. Suitable for sleep disorders, irritability, heart pain. Reduces blood pressure in hypertension, helps get rid of cramps, flatulence, and normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. 80
"Sondox"A new generation of fast-acting sleeping pills is available in tablets. Has a strong effect. You may experience dizziness in the morning; it is not recommended for people prone to constipation. 150
"Notta" and "Passidorm"Representatives of the homeopathic group put to sleep no worse than their analogues. Do not provoke daytime drowsiness, dizziness or inhibition. They have a mild effect and are harmless. 219/ 450

Almost all of these drugs can be easily purchased in Moscow and other cities of Russia and neighboring countries at affordable prices without a prescription. The cost may vary depending on the city and pharmacy chain.

Contraindications and side effects

Even an expensive good sleeping pill does not guarantee the absence of side effects. They can be triggered by violation of contraindications, overdose, or the body’s individual reaction to active substances. Therefore, even after visiting a doctor, it is important to study the instructions.

There can be a lot of contraindications, they depend on the active ingredients, but this does not prevent us from highlighting a few of the most common ones:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • disruption of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • apnea and other breathing pathologies;
  • alcoholism;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • glaucoma;
  • brain diseases.

Side effects include dizziness, nausea and vomiting, addiction, lethargy, impaired memory and concentration. Overdose of certain drugs is fatal.

REFERENCE! More than 9 million different medicinal sleeping pills are used annually around the world. They are most in demand among the population over 60 years of age, despite the fact that this is only 15% of the world's population.

General principles for treating insomnia

Strong sleeping pills are not always required. Sometimes it is enough to adjust your sleep and rest patterns and eliminate the irritating factor. However, with long-term chronic insomnia, it is impossible to do without medications. When prescribing medications, take into account:

  • symptoms;
  • concomitant pathologies;
  • drug interactions;
  • side effects of medications;
  • patient's age;
  • physiological conditions (pregnancy, lactation).

Important! Sleeping pills from the group of benzodiazepines should not be taken if breathing during sleep is disrupted (night apnea). Prolonged hypnotics are contraindicated in patients who the next morning are forced to drive or engage in work that requires concentration.

Rapid-acting sleeping pills are indicated in the following cases:

  • the duration of insomnia is 1–4 weeks with minor consequences for the general condition of a person;
  • insomnia for more than 4 weeks, which is accompanied by negative health consequences.

If in the first case sedatives with a hypnotic effect will help, then in case of severe insomnia, potent sleeping pills are prescribed.

People's help

In some cases, it is better to use home treatment methods and prepare a sedative yourself.

  • Grind the valerian root, pour boiling water over it, and leave to steep for 7-8 hours. Filter and drink 1-3 times a day.
  • 1 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over dried oregano flowers and leave for 30 minutes. After straining, take 1/3 cup three times a day.
  • Brew herbal teas with mint, lemon balm, chamomile, desert, elderberry.

Each natural remedy has a beneficial effect on the body, helping to relieve tension and irritability.

In addition to internal intake, herbal baths and aromatherapy are useful for sound sleep.

Regardless of age, if you have insomnia and other disorders, it is useful to develop several habits:

  • sleep less during the day;
  • regulate nutrition;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • go to bed at the same time;
  • do not drink alcohol before bedtime;
  • provide a comfortable environment in the bedroom;
  • Don't go to bed irritated.

Sometimes alternative methods are enough to overcome the symptoms of insomnia. If all the manipulations do not make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep, you should consult a doctor. So, insomnia is a frequent guest that comes uninvited. But you don’t always need to resort to strong sleeping pills to get rid of it.

Most modern drugs have a strong effect and, if treated negligently, can undermine health. Therefore, the fight against insomnia should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, who, in parallel with eliminating insomnia, will prescribe treatment for the root cause that provoked it.


Lydia: “Insomnia overtook me after 40, when serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract began. “Novopassit” helped - a mild, fast-acting remedy that helped me fall asleep within half an hour. Now there are no such problems, but at one time the drops made my life much easier.”

Olga: “When I was divorcing my husband, I was under terrible stress and I was prescribed Amitriptyline and Eglonil (antidepressants and tranquilizers). After 2 months of taking it, I managed to overcome not only apathy, but also insomnia. But they slow down consciousness and constantly make you sleepy.”

Irina: “I often suffer from problems with sleep, but I haven’t gotten around to taking pills yet. Herbal teas help more or less. But chemistry will show itself sooner or later, so it’s better not to get carried away with such treatment for insomnia.”

Which doctor will bring back sleep?

If a person is seriously concerned about a sleep disorder, he or she should contact a somnologist. He must find the root cause of the problem and, if necessary, refer to another specialist. The main type of diagnosis is polysomnography. This is a comprehensive sleep study that records the characteristics of breathing, heartbeat, and bioelectrical activity of the patient’s brain in a sleepy state. The procedure is usually performed in a clinical sleep laboratory.

Polysomnography reliably detects sleep apnea, in which the patient is suffocating and cannot sleep. The procedure allows you to determine heart rhythm disorder syndrome, in which a person wakes up with a heartbeat that is elevated to 150-160 beats per minute. Then he is sent to a cardiologist, and then usually to a surgeon.

Older people often suffer from disturbances in the perception of sleep, when insomnia itself may not exist. Often the patient claims that he has not slept a minute for many years. When the sleep of such a person is studied in detail in the laboratory, it usually turns out that he sleeps superficially, with frequent awakenings, but sleeps through his 6-7 hours a day.

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