Generalolon spray for external use 5% 60ml fl

HomeGenerolon for baldness

GENEROLON® is able to stimulate hair growth, regardless of the cause of hair loss. It is effective for all types and causes of hair loss (after eliminating the factor that caused hair loss).

Generalon Spray 2% is recommended for use in women with hair loss problems.
Generalolon Spray 5% is used as a basic treatment for all types of alopecia in men.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


When applied locally, minoxidil has been shown to accelerate hair growth in patients with androgenetic alopecia . Strengthens microcirculation, activates the transition of hair cells to the growing phase, transforms the effect of male hormones on hair follicles. Suppresses the synthesis of 5-alpha-dehydrosterone , which is involved in the formation of baldness.

It has the greatest effect at a young age, with a short duration of the disease (up to 10 years), with a parietal bald spot of up to 10 cm, and the presence of more than 100 hairs in the center of the bald spot. Signs of growth may be observed after four months of using the drug. The severity and speed of onset of the effect varies depending on individual characteristics. Generolon 5% stimulates hair growth more strongly than a 2% solution of the drug. After completing the use of the drug Generalolon, hair growth stops; after 3-4 months, restoration of the original state is possible.

The mechanism of action in the treatment of androgenic alopecia is unknown. The drug is ineffective for medicinal alopecia or baldness caused by poor diet and “tight” hair styling.


When used externally, it is poorly absorbed through intact skin: about 1.5% of the applied dose reaches the systemic bloodstream. 95% of the substance that enters the bloodstream is eliminated after 4 days.

The mechanisms of biotransformation are not fully understood. The drug does not bind to plasma proteins and is evacuated by the kidneys. Does not pass through the blood-brain barrier.

Application Guide

  • Remove the screw cap from the bottle and screw on the pump included in the kit. Attach a sprayer “with a spout” (included in the product kit) on top.
  • The spray is applied by pressing the pump mechanism of the spray bottle, then additionally distributed to problem areas by movements of the fingers.
  • It is important that the drug is applied evenly to problem areas - a convenient pump spray nozzle in the form of a “spout” helps with this.
  • It is advisable to apply the spray to hairless areas from a distance of 6-10 cm - this way it is distributed more evenly, does not form drops and does not run off.
  • On areas with hair, and especially when applied to a woman’s head, the distance from which the spray is sprayed should be less.
  • Immediately after applying the drug, it is advisable to lightly rub it in, massaging with your fingertips those areas where hair growth is necessary.
  • It is important not to wash your hair for 4 hours after applying the drug - the medicinal substance must penetrate through the skin into the hair follicles and have a therapeutic effect. It is also undesirable to use a hair dryer immediately after applying the drug.
  • The drug should be applied to problem areas 2 times a day! (morning and evening) Try to develop the habit of applying the drug along with morning and evening hygiene procedures and try not to skip them.
  • Side effects

    • Local effects: dermatitis of the scalp, itching , folliculitis , allergic contact dermatitis , hypertrichosis, seborrhea , accelerated hair loss (stops within two weeks).
    • Systemic effects (if the product is swallowed): nonspecific allergic phenomena , facial swelling shortness of breath , allergic rhinitis , vertigo , headache , thoracalgia, neuritis , pressure fluctuations, arrhythmia , rapid heartbeat, edema.

    Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

    Instructions for use of Generalolon prescribe external use of the drug.

    Regardless of the size of the affected area, 1 ml of spray should be applied using a dispenser (seven pumps) twice a day, starting from the central area. After use, wash your hands well. The total daily dosage is up to 2 mg.

    Patients who do not experience strong hair growth when using a 2% spray, and those who need accelerated hair growth, are allowed to use the 5% spray version.

    For men, this remedy is most effective for baldness on the crown, for women - for baldness in the area of ​​the middle parting. Generolon is applied exclusively to dry skin of the scalp and does not require rinsing.

    The first signs of increased hair growth may appear after using the product twice a day for four months or more. The severity, onset of growth and quality vary from patient to patient.

    According to rare reports, after stopping use of the drug Generalolon, hair growth stops, and after 3-4 months it is possible that the original state will be restored.

    The duration of therapy is on average 1 year.

    Preparation for use

    Remove the cap and put on the measuring pump. Attach the spray nozzle to the top of the pump. Press the spray nozzle several times, after which the spray can be used.

    Rules for using Generalolon

    • GENEROLON® spray must be applied to dry scalp, to all areas of the head where there is hair loss and thinning, 2 times a day. Preferably in the morning and evening.
    • The standard application volume during one procedure is up to 2 ml of spray, which approximately corresponds to 14-16 presses.
    • Restoring your hair growth will require quite a bit of time - a noticeable and lasting result can be obtained no earlier than after 3 months. For some, hair growth is noticeable after 1-1.5 months, but this does not happen often. Be patient!
    • It is important to know that in the first 3 weeks of using the drug there may (or may not) be a temporary increase in hair loss. There is no need to be afraid of this - this is the beginning of a new cycle of new hair growth!
    • The optimal period of therapy to obtain a visually satisfying result: growth of pigmented hair noticeable to others, disappearance of bald patches - is at least 5-6 months.
    • One bottle of 60 ml of the drug is usually enough for 1-1.5 months of application on a “medium” sized bald spot.
    • During treatment, you can use any shampoo and lead a normal lifestyle.
    • If for some reason you missed the usual time of applying the spray, try to apply it at the first opportunity, and subsequently do not skip using it 2 times a day.

    The effect of using GENEROLON® is not the same

    for different people and depends on:

    • Degree of sensitivity of hair follicles to minoxidil.
    • Degrees of aggressiveness of AGA (with androgenetic alopecia).

    Women have a higher rate of positive reaction to GENEROLON®.


    Accidental use of the drug Generalolon orally can provoke systemic side effects due to the vasodilatory ability of minoxidil .

    Signs: decreased blood pressure, fluid retention, tachycardia .

    Overdose therapy: prescribing diuretics to eliminate water retention; Beta blockers are used to treat tachycardia . For hypotension, 0.9% sodium chloride . It is not recommended to prescribe sympathomimetic drugs that have strong cardiac stimulating activity.


    There is a theoretical possibility of increased symptoms of orthostatic hypotension in individuals receiving concomitant therapy with peripheral vasodilators.

    minoxidil may interact with topical medications. The combined use of topical minoxidil betamethasone leads to suppression of the systemic absorption of the former.

    Concomitant use of a cream containing tretinoin results in increased absorption of minoxidil .

    The combined application of Generalolon to the skin and drugs for external use such as Tretinoin and Dithranol , which cause changes in the barrier functions of the skin, leads to an increase in the adsorption of minoxidil.

    Generalolon spray for external use 5% 60ml fl

    pharmachologic effect

    Generolon is a treatment for alopecia. When applied topically, minoxidil stimulates hair growth in people with androgenetic alopecia (hair thinning, baldness). Improves microcirculation, stimulates the transition of hair cells into the active growing phase, changes the effect of androgens on hair follicles. Reduces the formation of 5-alpha-dehydrosterone (possibly indirectly), which plays a significant role in the formation of baldness. The best effect is achieved when the disease is short-lived (no more than 10 years), patients are young, the bald spot in the crown area is no more than 10 cm, and there are more than 100 vellus and terminal hairs in the center of the bald spot. Signs of hair growth appear after 4 or more months of using the drug. The onset and severity of the effect may vary from patient to patient. A 5% solution of the drug stimulates hair growth more than a 2% solution, which was noted by an increase in the growth of vellus hair. After stopping the use of the drug Generalop, the growth of new hair stops, and within 3-4 months it is possible to restore the original appearance. The exact mechanism of action of Generalon in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia is unknown. Minoxidil is not effective in cases of baldness caused by taking the drug, poor diet (iron (Fe) deficiency, vitamin A), as a result of styling hair in “tight” hairstyles.


    Treatment of androgenetic alopecia (hair restoration) and stabilization of hair loss in men and women.


    Hypersensitivity to minoxidil or other components of the drug; age under 18 years; violation of the integrity of the skin, dermatoses of the scalp.

    Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    The drug should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding..

    special instructions

    Do not apply the drug to other parts of the body.

    The drug Generalolon is applied only to dry skin of the scalp after bathing, or you should wait about 4 hours after applying the drug before bathing. Do not let your head get wet earlier than 4 hours after applying the drug.

    When using the drug Generalolon, it is recommended to wash your hair as usual. During the period of use of the drug Generalolon, you can use hairspray and other hair care products. Before applying hair care products, you must first apply Generolon and wait until the treated area of ​​skin is completely dry. There is no evidence that hair coloring, perming, or using hair softeners may reduce the effectiveness of the drug. However, to prevent possible scalp irritation, you must ensure that the product is completely rinsed from the hair and scalp before using these chemicals.

    Before starting treatment with Generalolon, patients should undergo a general examination, including the collection and study of a medical history. The doctor must make sure that the scalp is healthy.

    If systemic side effects or severe skin reactions occur, patients should discontinue the drug and consult a doctor.

    The drug Generalolon contains ethyl alcohol, which can cause inflammation and irritation of the eyes. If the drug gets on sensitive surfaces (eyes, irritated skin, mucous membranes), it is necessary to rinse the area with plenty of cold water.

    Avoid inhalation of the drug when spraying.

    After using the drug, wash your hands thoroughly.


    active ingredient: minoxidil

    Directions for use and doses

    Externally. Regardless of the size of the treated area, it is necessary to apply 1 ml of solution using a dispenser (7 presses) 2 times a day to the affected areas of the scalp, starting from the center of the problem area. After use, wash your hands. The total daily dose should not exceed 2 mg (the dose does not depend on the size of the affected area). Patients who do not experience satisfactory hair growth when using a 2% solution, and patients for whom faster hair growth is desired, can use a 5% solution.

    For men, Generalolon is most effective for hair loss on the crown, for women - for hair loss in the middle parting area.

    The drug Generalolon is applied only to dry skin of the scalp. The solution does not require rinsing.

    The appearance of the first signs of stimulation of hair growth is possible after using the drug 2 times a day for 4 months or more. The onset and severity of hair growth, as well as the quality of hair, may vary from patient to patient.

    According to isolated reports, restoration of the original appearance can be expected within 3-4 months after cessation of treatment. The average duration of treatment is about 1 year.

    Side effects

    Local side effects:

    The most common side effect is scalp dermatitis. Less common are more severe cases of dermatitis, which manifest as redness, peeling and inflammation. In rare cases, scalp itching, allergic contact dermatitis, folliculitis, hypertrichosis (unwanted body hair growth, including facial hair growth in women), and seborrhea are noted.

    The use of minoxidil may cause increased hair loss during the transition from the resting phase to the hair growth phase, with old hair falling out and new hair growing in its place. This temporary phenomenon is usually observed 2-6 weeks after the start of treatment and gradually, over the next 2 weeks, stops (the first signs of minoxidil action appear).

    Systemic side effects (in case of accidental ingestion of the drug): Dermatological diseases: non-specific allergic reactions (skin rash, urticaria), facial swelling.

    Respiratory system: shortness of breath, allergic rhinitis.

    Nervous system: headache, dizziness, vertigo, neuritis.

    Cardiovascular system: chest pain, fluctuations in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, changes in heart rate, swelling.

    Drug interactions

    There is a theoretical possibility (no clinical confirmation) of increased orthostatic hypotension in patients. receiving concomitant treatment with peripheral vasodilators. A very slight increase in the content of minoxidil in the blood of patients suffering from arterial hypertension and taking minoxidil orally in the case of simultaneous use of the drug Generalolon cannot be excluded, although corresponding clinical studies have not been conducted. It has been found that topical minoxidil may interact with some topical medications. The simultaneous use of minoxidil solution for external use and a cream containing betamethasone (0.05%) leads to a decrease in the systemic absorption of minoxidil. Simultaneous use of a cream containing tretinoin (0.05%). leads to increased absorption of minoxidil. Simultaneous application of minoxidil to the skin and topical drugs such as tretinoin and dithranol, which cause changes in the protective functions of the skin, may lead to increased absorption of minoxidil.


    Accidental ingestion of the drug Generolon can cause systemic side effects due to the vasodilatory properties of minoxidil (5 ml of a 2% solution contains 100 mg of minoxidil - the maximum recommended dose for adults when taken orally in the treatment of arterial hypertension; 5 ml of a 5% solution contains 250 mg minoxidil, i.e. a dose 2.5 times the maximum recommended daily dose for adults when taken orally for the treatment of hypertension). Signs of overdose: fluid retention, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia. Treatment: to eliminate fluid retention, diuretics can be prescribed if necessary; for the treatment of tachycardia - beta-adren about locators. To treat gynotension, 0.9% sodium chloride solution should be administered intravenously. Symiatomimetic agents, for example, should not be prescribed. norepinsphrine and epinsphrine, which have excessive cardiac stimulating activity.

    Storage conditions

    At a temperature not higher than 25 °C. Keep out of the reach of children!

    Best before date

    3 years.

    special instructions

    The drug is applied exclusively to dry scalp in the hairy area after bathing or 4 hours before bathing. It is forbidden to let your head get wet before the specified time. The drug should not be applied to areas of the body other than the head.

    When using the drug, it is recommended to wash your hair as usual.

    While using the drug, it is allowed to use hairspray and other hair care tools. Before applying care products, you must first use Generolon and wait until the treated area is completely dry. There is no information that perming, coloring hair or using softeners may reduce the effectiveness of the product. However, to prevent possible irritation of the scalp, it is necessary to completely rinse the drug from the scalp before using the above chemicals.

    Before starting treatment with Generalolon, patients must undergo an examination, including clarification and study of the medical history, and the doctor must make sure that there are no diseases of the scalp.

    If systemic side effects or severe skin reactions develop, patients should stop using the drug and consult their doctor.

    Generalolon contains ethanol , which can cause irritation and inflammation of the eyes. If the product gets on sensitive surfaces (irritated skin, eyes, mucous membranes), rinse them with plenty of water.

    It is recommended to avoid inhaling the product when spraying, and wash your hands well after using the product.

    Features of use

    Using a mesoscooter

    The use of mesoscooters is designed to improve the penetration of minoxidil into the skin, enhance its penetration and effect on the hair follicles. Mesoscooters are used both for the scalp and to stimulate the growth of stubble on the face. It is most reasonable to use a device with short needles - no more than 0.5 mm. This needle size is considered less traumatic, providing stimulation that increases blood circulation. Before purchasing a mesoscooter, you must be aware of the risks associated with its use: there is a danger of injuring (puncture) the skin and introducing or spreading an existing infection. In addition, when tissue damage increases the likelihood of minoxidil penetrating not into the hair follicles, but into the bloodstream, which is fraught with side effects. In some cases, when using a mesoscooter, users note increased sebum secretion and the appearance of dandruff. This is due to damage to the sebaceous glands and stimulation of sebum production, combined with the rapid development of a conditionally pathogenic microorganism - the fungus Pityrosporum. The microorganism “wakes up” only when there is a disturbance in the activity of the sebaceous glands, and its development leads to the appearance of oily dandruff.

    If you decide to use a mesoscooter, then after each procedure it must be washed, stored in an airtight case, and treated with an antiseptic before use to minimize the likelihood of introducing and multiplying an infection.

    Dandruff - a reaction to the base of the drug

    All minoxidil-based drugs have a medicinal “base” consisting of ethanol, water and propylene glycol polyhydric alcohol, in which minoxidil is dissolved. It is to this base that some patients experience a reaction in the form of dandruff, sometimes accompanied by itching and irritation. If such a problem occurs, stop using the drug for a few days and then resume its use. If the itching and irritation is very pronounced, it is advisable to apply Belosalik spray to the scalp for 3-5 days, and also use sulsena shampoo or shampoo containing clobetasol to wash your hair. After this, resume regular use of Generolon.

    The phenomenon of “synchronization” in AGA

    Approximately 2 weeks after starting use, increased hair loss may be observed.
    The duration of the phenomenon is approximately 1-1.5 weeks. This is a normal reaction and one of the signs that the drug has begun to work. The reason for this phenomenon is that the hair follicles “revitalized” and began to synthesize new hair, which pushes out the old obsolete hair that is in the terminal stage from the follicles. During this period, it is important not to be afraid of what is happening and not to stop using Generolon! The second wave of hair loss may occur approximately 2 months after the start of treatment. Some hair may leave your head again. This phenomenon is also associated with a new phase of hair growth and renewal. It is important to understand and feel physically that new short “young” hair is growing. This will give you confidence that you are doing everything right. Treatment with Generalolon must be continued. The severity of “synchronization” is different for everyone and depends on many factors, but primarily on the number of follicles initially in the stage. Another, final stage of hair loss usually occurs at 6-7 months of using minoxidil. As a rule, this is a less pronounced loss. Further, all hair that can grow from existing living follicles will grow, strengthen, and thicken!

    “Withdrawal syndrome” that doesn’t exist

    Minoxidil does not have a “withdrawal syndrome” - this is a myth. But if you stop using it, it stops working - the process of stimulating the follicles stops, and the hair that grew solely under its influence will gradually regress and fall out. In a few months you will get the same picture on your head that you would have had if you had not started using Generalolon spray at all. This is typical when diagnosed with AGA.

    If you do not want to lose your hair again, continue to use GENEROLON® every day until you value your hair and want to keep the hair on your head. And remember that there is no other product in the world that is just as effective and safe.

    Detailed video instructions for using GENEROLON®:
    Buy Generalolon


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    Alerana, Cosilon, Alopexi, Minoxidil, Eucapil, Rogaine, Revogen, Simone Dixidox De Luxe Forte, Revasil.

    Generalolon price, where to buy

    The price of Generalolon 2% spray in Russia starts at 360 rubles, and buying a similar form of product in Ukraine will cost 350-510 hryvnia.

    • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


    • Spray Generalolon 5% for external use 60 ml 2 pcs. BELUPO, Medicines and cosmetics d.d.
      RUB 1,199 order
    • Spray Generalolon for external use 5% 60 mlIndustrial Pharmaceutical Cantabria S.A/Belupo

      685 rub. order

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