“Relax and have fun...” What if it doesn’t work out? - reasons for the lack of orgasm in women

If a woman has difficulties with sexual communication, then what could be the reasons for this? And is this a reason to see a doctor? And is it possible to somehow comprehend the causes of these phenomena called “female orgasm”, “female sexuality”? After all, even the indisputable guru of sexology and psychology, Dr. Freud, admitted that there is nothing unusual in male sexuality, while the nature of female sexuality remained an insoluble mystery for him. However, Sigmund Freud lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Perhaps something has changed since then?

No one can name the exact number of women around the world who suffer from sexual disorders and have never experienced an orgasm. According to various estimates, their number ranges from 40% to 60%. This is, without a doubt, a lot. You can talk about violations of sexual life in the following cases:

  • Libido decreases or disappears, there is no sexual desire (this can happen even between loving partners),
  • sexual intercourse becomes rare, there may be no sex for several months,
  • problems with arousal
  • it takes a long time to achieve orgasm, it is difficult or even impossible to achieve it,
  • pain and unpleasant physical sensations during sexual intercourse, fear of intimacy.

General information

Sexual dysfunction is a condition that negatively affects a person’s quality of life and psychological state. At the same time, according to experts, such disorders are recorded much more often among representatives of the fair sex. If erectile dysfunction in men is the problem with which they most often seek help, then women, as a rule, hide the presence of such disorders.
The result is sexual dissatisfaction, leading to psychological and physiological problems. Speaking about frigidity in women - what it is, it should be noted that this term indicates a decrease in libido and interest in sex. The meaning of the word (derived from the Latin word “cold”) explains the essence of this term: frigidity is sexual coldness in girls and women. Even in the most frank moments, such women may not experience arousal. As a result, the lack of sexual desire in women leads to pain during and after sexual intercourse. When describing this condition, experts also use the terms hypolibidemia and anaphrodisia .

More information about what such a disorder means, how to overcome this problem, and also about whether it is advisable to talk about frigidity in men will be discussed in this article.

“Like an iceberg in the ocean”: what is frigidity, causes and treatment

: Reading time:

Candidate of Medical Sciences, sexologist Igor Yulievich Kan answers common questions about frigidity.

Frigidity in women, what is it?

The term “frigidity” previously meant a whole range of sexual disorders in women, mainly a decrease or absence of sexual desire. A “frigid” woman does not experience erotic sensations or sexual pleasure. She may not have physiological signs of arousal in the form of lubrication (wetting the woman’s genitals under the influence of erotic stimulation) during intimate relationships or when attempting to masturbate, and she experiences difficulty obtaining orgasm. She can treat sex in different ways: with disgust, neutral, and sometimes even receive psychological pleasure from the fact that she can give pleasant sensations to her beloved man without receiving physical sensations directly from sexual contact.

In modern classifications and scientific literature, the concept of “frigidity” has been abandoned as outdated, unclear, and, according to some experts, “degrading to the human dignity of a woman.” The terms “lack or loss of sexual desire” and “orgasmic dysfunction” are now used. The term "dyspareunia" is used to describe pain in the genital area.

What are the causes of frigidity?

The reasons for the so-called “frigidity” can be:

  • unconscious fears associated with the Oedipus complex;
  • fear due to violence experienced at an early age;
  • hostility towards men in general and a specific man in particular;
  • fears of being rejected if she allows herself to “relax internally”;
  • concerns about the “correctness” of performing one’s sexual activities;
  • feeling of shame;
  • fear of feeling pain.

Other causes of “frigidity” in women include mental, endocrine and other diseases, defects in upbringing, personality traits, incompetence or rudeness of a sexual partner.

Is there only female frigidity? Do doctors describe frigidity in men?

A decrease and absence of sexual desire is also observed in men. Previously, such disorders, along with erectile dysfunction and other male sexual dysfunctions, were called an even more stigmatizing and unacceptable term in modern conditions - “impotence.” How to define “frigidity” in men? The differences between sexual “unresponsiveness” in women and men are determined by the following features of female sexuality:

  1. Most sexual disorders do not interfere with a woman's intimacy.
  2. Female sexuality is more psychological, which leads to significant individualization of various shades of sexual experiences and sexual behavior of a woman.
  3. The tendency to get “stuck” in the erotic phase in the dynamics of the formation of sexual consciousness, when the awakening of the sexual component of the libido and the ability to experience orgasm do not occur at all.
  4. The role of extragenital erogenous zones in women is more significant, and sometimes dominant over the genital ones, in contrast to men.
  5. The leading role in the formation of a woman’s sexual behavior is played not by sexual libido (the desire for sexual intercourse), but by erotic libido, which is closely related to the assessment of the personal qualities of the sexual partner.

What common symptoms of frigidity can a woman find in herself? What signs can only a doctor identify?

The most common indicator is avoidance of adequate stimulation from a partner. If a woman does not avoid affection and allows her partner to arouse her, she does not feel or allow herself to enjoy this arousal. The role of the doctor in this case is to find a way to resolve internal contradictions and partnership conflicts. As a rule, the specialist first helps the patient resolve the main conflict during psychotherapeutic treatment, and then involves her partner in the work.

Is there a frigidity test - a few standard questions that a woman can answer and suspect the disorder?

To assess sexual desire in women, the concept of erogenous reactivity is used - the ability to perceive sexual stimuli and respond to them with specific physiological reactions, which are accompanied by a desire for intimacy and voluptuously colored experiences.

In addition to the characteristics determined by the specialist, to objectify erogenous reactivity, a map of the woman’s erogenous zones according to Zdravomyslov is used, which the patient herself can fill out and evaluate, as well as present it to the attending physician during the examination.

Map of a woman’s erogenous zones according to Zdravomyslov.

If a husband suspects his wife is frigid, how to talk, how to help? How to gently convince you to go to a specialist?

When a partner tries to help a woman decide to go to a specialist, it is important to motivate her by seeking an improved quality of life, getting full sensations, full pleasure from sexual activity, but not reproaching or comparing with others. Benevolent support from your beloved man at all stages of searching and providing help is the key to the success of therapeutic work.

How to fight and get rid of frigidity in women?

The main therapeutic strategy is to structure the sexual situation so that the woman can respond appropriately to stimulation when she is in a relaxed, serene and loving state. This requires the creation of a stable, trusting relationship with a benevolent partner. Sexologists use various psychotherapeutic techniques that can reduce feelings of anxiety and enhance the desired manifestation of erotic reactions. This includes staged tasks first for the patient herself and then for the couple. The main condition is that the set of psychotherapeutic techniques must be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the partners.

Do “folk remedies” help with frigidity? Which of these remedies are effective and which are ineffective and dangerous?

When treating “frigidity” in women, at the stages of pre-medical care, you can recommend finding and studying your erogenous zones and their sensitivity to erotic stimulation yourself or with a partner. To increase confidence in adaptive capabilities, a woman can independently use Kegel exercises.

It is also important to create a relaxed, serene state that allows you to overcome fears and concerns. To do this, you can use autogenic training, and in pairs - gentle stroking and caresses without direct impact on the genitals. For most people, they evoke positive emotions if they are not associated with negative experiences and conflict.

It should be remembered that in the presence of sexual disorders, especially against the background of partner disharmony, you should not self-medicate. These problems are dealt with by a sexologist who will conduct the necessary examination, find out the specific causes and tell you how to treat “frigidity” in women, or more precisely, a decrease or absence of sexual desire.

Kan Igor Yulievich, doctor, candidate of medical sciences, sexologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, doctor of the highest category, is conducting a study of changes in sexual behavior among the population during the pandemic. Based on the results of the study, a scientific article will be written and published and international psychometric scales will be adapted. We invite you to take part in an ANONYMOUS survey. Get tested.

Kan Igor Yulievich, Sexologist, psychiatrist, Candidate of Medical Sciences

If you need help from an experienced specialist, make an appointment with Igor Yulievich.

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In some cases, sexual coldness is caused physically, in others it is a sexual disorder. In this case, the body's reactions may be different. an orgasm during sexual intercourse , although they experience pleasant sensations. This condition is usually associated with delayed psychosexual development. Another part is indifferent to sexual intercourse and does not experience pleasant feelings. Such manifestations can be caused by overwork, mental illness, alcohol abuse, etc. The third category of women has aversion and hostility to sexual contact. In this case we are talking about the inhibition of sexual functions by psychological factors.

Sexual desire disorders

Experience 15 years
Lychagin Andrey Sergeevich

Head of the department of innovative technologies in the field of andrology and urology, urologist-andrologist, ultrasound doctor, sexologist Candidate of Medical Sciences

As a rule, a violation of sexual desire in itself is a consequence of other disorders in the social, physiological or psychosexual sphere. Agree, it is difficult to imagine a situation where a person has no problems with self-esteem, with establishing contacts, with positioning himself as a sexual partner, and also has no health problems, but there is a violation of sexual desire.

Of course, a loss or decrease in sexual desire can be caused by an unsuccessful experience of the first sexual contact, as well as such trivial reasons as stress, fatigue, excessive complexes about the loss of physical attractiveness due to age or for other reasons. Alcohol abuse, a sedentary lifestyle, and an unbalanced diet also play a negative role. If you or your partner observe, as it seems to you, a “causeless” disturbance of sexual desire, then it is worth undergoing a medical examination or at least taking general tests to rule out chronic diseases or hormonal imbalances, which can also affect overall sexual activity.

In long-term relationships, unfortunately, a gradual decrease in sexual desire is often observed. Do you remember the popular expression “The boat of love crashed on the reefs of everyday life”? Everyday disorder, differences in interests, misunderstandings in everyday details lead to conflicts. Mutual irritation increases, conflicts accumulate... Unfortunately, in such situations, many women begin to use sex as a tool of manipulation: sending their spouse to “sleep on the sofa,” and demonstratively reacting too coldly to all sorts of attempts to get closer. Alas, such tactics are doomed to failure.

You shouldn’t resort to the opposite tactic - using sex as a “medicine” to settle a conflict, reconcile with a partner without trying to eliminate the immediate cause of the misunderstanding. Sooner or later, problems will accumulate and the degree of dissatisfaction with each other will go off scale. Relationships will begin to break down, including sexual ones.

Another pitfall of long-term relationships is monotony and fatigue from each other. Strong passion passes and it may well seem that everything has already been tried and communication with a partner will not bring anything new. But you want new sensations... And a situation arises when the sexual attraction to one’s regular partner decreases, while the attraction to another person (or even the hero of a book, film, virtual person) is very strong. This often leads to betrayal, disappointment and the loss of a permanent partner.

If sexual desire is reduced throughout life, then you need to look for the reason for this in childhood. Psychological traumas that are firmly rooted in the subconscious often lead to this result.

Another reason for decreased libido is a decreased level of the sex hormone testosterone. It is easy to identify; all you need to do is take a blood test. Normalizing hormonal levels is also not difficult.


As noted above, there are three degrees of manifestation of frigidity.

  • First , during sexual intercourse, arousal is noted, but orgasm does not occur.
  • The second is complete indifference to sexual contact.
  • Third , there is a pronounced hostility and even aversion to sexual contact.

There are also several types of this condition depending on the reasons for its origin:

  • Constitutional frigidity - sexual coldness is associated with the characteristics of a woman’s anatomy.
  • Withdrawal – decreased libido is associated with prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse.
  • Symptomatic – a consequence of chronic somatic diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus , cardiovascular disorders, etc.
  • Postpartum is a consequence of physiological and anatomical changes in the female body after the birth of a child, as well as psycho-emotional exhaustion.
  • Retardation is a consequence of the immaturity of the reproductive system. It is observed when the hormonal background is unformed, as well as in the absence of sexual experience.
  • Emotional – associated with a negative emotional background. As a rule, it is situational.
  • Psychogenic - develops after severe shocks, while a woman, as a rule, has a pronounced aversion to sex. Most often it occurs in women who have suffered sexual violence or aggression from a partner.
  • Nymphomaniac is a condition in which desire and fantasies persist, but a woman cannot achieve orgasm during sex.

Primary and secondary frigidity are also distinguished

  • Primary – develops as a result of physical and emotional unpreparedness for sexual intercourse. Often observed in young girls. When having sexual intercourse “out of curiosity,” expectations often do not coincide with reality. As a result, attitudes towards sex may become distorted.
  • Secondary - this condition can be associated with sexual diseases, mental and endocrine disorders, neoplasms, brain diseases, etc.

Orgasm disorders - causes and consequences

It is a fact that a woman can experience orgasm throughout her life. Although, of course, there is a certain decrease in sexual activity with age. First of all, this is due to physiological changes, in particular, atrophy of the vaginal mucosa. Another significant factor is that women live longer than men - therefore, the older a woman is, the more difficult it is for her to find a partner.

But nature played a cruel joke on the woman to a certain extent. Having given the man clear and visible manifestations of orgasm, she did not do the same to the woman. This state of affairs gives rise to a lot of myths, speculation and discussions about how the female orgasm manifests itself, how to determine it, whether all women are able to achieve it, and so on. You've probably encountered arguments like:

  • If a man is experienced and skillful, then he is able to excite and bring any woman to orgasm.
  • There are a lot of frigid women.
  • Every second woman has never experienced an orgasm.
  • The female orgasm does not have clear visible manifestations, so it is easy to imitate.
  • All women have experience with imitation. They do this in order to hold the man and assure him of their masculine viability.
  • Often faking an orgasm is simpler and easier than trying to achieve it.

In fact, it is extremely difficult to describe in words what a woman feels at the moment of orgasm. Indeed, quite a lot of women, approximately 10%, have never experienced an orgasm. We can say that it is more difficult for a woman to achieve orgasm than for a man, especially in a situation where partners cannot completely relax. Another reason for the lack of orgasm is the too fast actions of the partner, who is guided only by his own sensations and his own rate of increase in excitement. If you encounter such behavior from a man, then you need to immediately delicately explain the problem to him and describe your feelings. Otherwise, this will lead to decreased self-esteem, depression, severe resentment and even aversion to sexual intercourse.

About 50% of women claim that it is much easier for them to achieve orgasm during masturbation than during sexual intercourse. There is nothing shameful or indecent about this - moreover, the better a woman studies her body, the easier it will be for her to achieve harmony in her relationship with her partner. However, there are situations where a woman responds to clitoral stimulation outside of coitus, but is unable to achieve orgasm during coitus. In such a case, you should contact a sexologist.

Causes of frigidity

When discussing the reasons for the lack of sexual desire in women, it should be noted that they are all divided into two categories - psychological and physiological .

The following factors are classified as psychological:

  • Prolonged stress, constant fatigue and overload.
  • An episode of sexual violence that has occurred one or more times. This is especially noticeable on libido if violence accompanied the first sexual experience.
  • Fear of unplanned pregnancy - this feeling does not allow a woman to relax.
  • Negative attitude or disgust shown by a partner.
  • Coldness and lack of emotions in the family in which the girl grew up.
  • Depressive state , increased anxiety .

A number of physiological factors that provoke frigidity are also determined:

  • Injuries to the genital organs that lead to damage to nerve endings.
  • Injuries to the vaginal walls after childbirth , which leads to lack of desire. Also, during the period after the birth of a baby and lactation, there is a natural decrease in libido . However, this is a reversible condition and in most cases everything returns to normal after a few months.
  • Pathologies in the development of the genital organs.
  • Physical pathologies - multiple sclerosis , headaches, arthritis , etc.
  • Taking certain medications: antidepressants, antihistamines, some drugs against hypertension chemotherapy drugs , etc.
  • Hormonal imbalance during menopause . At this time, due to a decrease in estrogen , the elasticity of the vagina deteriorates, pain appears during sexual intercourse, which becomes an obstacle to achieving orgasm.

Arousal disorders

15 years of experience

Lychagin Andrey Sergeevich

Head of the department of innovative technologies in the field of andrology and urology, urologist-andrologist, ultrasound doctor, sexologist Candidate of Medical Sciences

This problem manifests itself physiologically: a woman’s vagina does not moisturize, even after prolonged stimulation and mutual sexual attraction between partners. Sexual intercourse in this case is difficult because both the man and the woman experience physical discomfort. This sexual disorder can be observed throughout life or in relationships with a specific partner.

Most often, the causes of arousal disorder are mental factors: incompatibility of partners (in almost 80% of cases), depression, stressful situation. And, of course, a huge role is played by sexual illiteracy, placing all responsibility for one’s arousal on a man, and perceiving the process of sexual intimacy as something shameful and indecent.

However, there are often cases when arousal disorder is caused by diseases. It can be:

  • local diseases – endometriosis, cystitis, vaginitis;
  • systemic diseases - hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus (diabetes is more relevant for men);
  • pathology of the central or peripheral nervous system (for example, multiple sclerosis);
  • diseases of the muscular system (for example, muscular dystrophy);
  • use of certain medications (eg, oral contraceptives, blood pressure medications, tranquilizers).


True frigidity is characterized by a complete lack of interest in sexual life. Therefore, a temporary lack of interest in sexual activity, associated with the influence of certain factors, does not indicate complete frigidity. Very often, it is enough for a woman to consult with a qualified specialist who will help her understand everything and correct the problems.

It is noteworthy that signs of frigidity may remain invisible to a woman, and they are often initially noticed by a partner. The following signs are typical for this condition:

  • Sexual desire either disappears completely or appears very rarely. Even if there is attraction to a person, there is no arousal.
  • Sexual contact is perceived as an unpleasant duty, and the partner’s desire to talk about this topic provokes irritation.
  • If sexual contact does occur, then the body does not react to the process physically - lubricant is not released, arousal does not occur. There are also no emotions and no orgasm.
  • Before, during and after sexual intercourse, pain may be experienced in the genital area and anus.
  • After sexual intercourse, irritation, disappointment and other unpleasant feelings are noted.

Reasons for lack of orgasm in women

Of course, all of the above situations cannot be considered the norm. But many women, even admitting to themselves that they have existing problems, refuse to seek help from specialists. Some people think that everything will normalize on its own over time, some are simply embarrassed, others blame all the blame on their partner or circumstances. Add here the fact that self-medication is very common in our society, and trust in doctors has dropped significantly. And why go to the doctor with such a problem? Problems in your sex life don’t seem to interfere with going to work, raising children, traveling, doing your favorite things...

This is not a broken arm, not a toothache, or even a cold - not a disease, in a word. However, no matter what definition we choose - illness, illness, disorder, disorder, pathology or some other word - the essence of the phenomenon will not change. Disturbances in a woman’s sexual expression and her sex life are not a situation that must be accepted. To correct it, you must first of all identify the cause and work with it. Sexual disorders can be caused by many factors, which very often layer on top of each other and form a complex and tight tangle. Unraveling this tangle, getting to the bottom of the true reasons, working through each reason and eliminating it is sometimes difficult even for a specialist. And trying to figure out the problem on your own can actually make the situation worse.

Problems in sexual relationships can arise at several levels: neuroendocrine, physiological and psychosocial.

There are often situations when factors of two or three levels are intertwined, thereby complicating the picture of the disease.

The neuroendocrine level is hormonal indicators, regularity and clarity of the menstrual cycle, and the severity of secondary sexual characteristics.

The physiological level implies deviations in anatomy and physiology. For example, the consequences of injuries or operations can affect the sensitivity of the genital organs and lead to difficulties in sexual communication.

The psychosocial level is a huge number of factors. They are the ones that most often turn out to be the causes of sexual disorders. They are sometimes very difficult to identify, but even more difficult to get rid of them. But if this is not done, then a woman will never achieve harmony in relationships with men.

Tests and diagnostics

When conducting a diagnosis, the doctor asks the patient in detail about her feelings, both physiological and emotional. If there is pain and discomfort in the genital area, the woman must be examined by a gynecologist, who determines the presence or absence of physiological pathologies. If necessary, the necessary studies may be prescribed.

A series of conversations with a sexologist or psychologist will help identify psychological problems. It is very important that an experienced specialist not only confirm the diagnosis, but also determine the cause of this condition.

How to stop being frigid

Depending on what cause was discovered, treatment and prevention are prescribed. If the problem is in the structure of the genital organs, then they resort to the surgical method. If there is a hormonal imbalance, take medication.

When there are weak vaginal muscles, they give instructions on certain physical exercises that strengthen them. For diseases of other organs, patients are treated by a therapist.

In other cases, the client is referred to a psychologist and psychotherapist. At the session, they discuss in detail what formed the basis for the emergence of frigidity.

Depending on the reason, they try to improve the situation in sexual relations. If there is a depressive disorder, then the appropriate pills are prescribed.

The sex therapist gives each woman recommendations, taking into account the individuality of the case.

There are general provisions :

  1. It is worth turning to your partner and sharing your experiences, since this concerns him too.
    In addition, together you can think about changing positions or the atmosphere during sex, and share your desires and feelings. Intimate relationships are a mutual process and the ability to listen to each other.
  2. Avoid stress and fatigue. Because the body must be full of vitality and energy in order to want to exchange it with a partner.
  3. Watch erotic films, read a novel with a passionate plot. This will fuel libido and fantasy.

  4. Try to diversify sex, because even previously favorite things can get boring over time. Treat it as an interesting and exciting experiment, finding new aspects that will satisfy both.
  5. Don't forget about expressing feelings not only in bed. And in the form of morning hugs and tender kisses, pleasant words to each other, compliments. So that a woman understands that she is desired and loved.

Treatment with folk remedies

Some folk remedies are also used to increase sexual desire. However, such methods are auxiliary, and it is advisable to use them only after the approval of a doctor.

  • Medicinal tea . It is necessary to mix dry chamomile, nettle and rose hips in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. l. Pour 300 ml of water into this mixture and boil for several minutes. Strain and drink throughout the day.
  • Drink with spices . Add 4 cloves, a little chili pepper and nutmeg to 200 ml of milk. Boil, strain, add a little honey and drink throughout the day. Take every day for at least two weeks.
  • Anise tincture . Pour 50 g of anise seeds into 200 ml of cognac and leave for two weeks. Drink 1 tbsp. l. a day before meals. The course of treatment is at least 3 months.
  • Dried fruits . Mix figs, prunes, dried apricots, dates, walnuts, almonds in equal proportions, chop everything and add a little honey. Take 1 tbsp twice a day. l.
  • Tea with ginger . Grind 50 ml of ginger, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for several hours. It is recommended to consume this drink with honeycombs. In this case, the wax should be chewed for a long time, but not consumed orally.
  • Cinnamon . It is recommended to add it to your morning coffee. This coffee should be drunk with dark chocolate.
  • Massage with aromatic oils . Patchouli, ylang-ylang, and sandalwood oils are suitable for massage. It is advisable that such a massage be performed by a loved one - this way the woman can relax as much as possible.
  • Oriental dances and yoga . These activities provide an opportunity to relax and explore sexuality.


To avoid problems with sexual desire, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Visit your gynecologist regularly to prevent the development of chronic diseases. Preventive examinations by specialists of other profiles are also important.
  • Build the most trusting relationship with your partner, discuss with him your feelings, preferences and problems that have arisen.
  • Do not practice sexual contact if it happens “through force”, without desire. If this happens constantly, a woman may eventually develop aversion to sex in general or to a loved one.
  • Learn to relax, have a good rest, and avoid stressful situations.

How does it manifest in women?

Depending on the degree of frigidity - mild or severe, which provoked its occurrence, the manifestations and symptoms will differ.

Commonly encountered signs include the following :

  1. lack of interest in sex, sometimes there may be complete disgust;

  2. no interest in sexy clothes, erotic films and masturbation;
  3. does not reach the peak of excitement and release, although he may enjoy the act itself or providing joy to his partner;
  4. after sex, feelings of dissatisfaction, irritation, desire to be alone;
  5. little lubrication is released and/or there is pain during sexual intercourse;
  6. general interest in men is reduced.

It is worth paying special attention to another symptom - vaginismus . This is a contraction of the muscles of the perineum and vagina so much that penetration of the penis is impossible or is very painful.

It can occur not only during sex, but also when going to the gynecologist or thinking about intimacy.

During pregnancy

So-called temporary frigidity can be observed in a woman during pregnancy and after childbirth. During this period, significant hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. In addition, she is psychologically tuned specifically to procreation, so sometimes this also affects libido. However, this phenomenon is reversible, and a few months after childbirth, normal sexual desire is gradually restored.


Diet for hormonal imbalance in women

  • Efficacy: therapeutic effect after 3 weeks
  • Timing: constantly
  • Cost of products: 1400-1500 rubles per week

The diet should be varied and rich in all the minerals and elements necessary for women’s health. To enhance sexual desire, nutritionists recommend introducing into the menu some foods and dishes that have aphrodisiac properties. It is recommended to include in the diet more often:

  • red meat;
  • fish and seafood (oysters, shrimp, etc.);
  • eggs;
  • spices and herbs;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • bananas;
  • vegetables and herbs (parsley, celery, avocado);
  • red wine in small quantities.

Consequences and complications

If sexual life causes discomfort, there is no sexual desire, and everything related to the intimate side of life causes negative emotions, then over time a woman may develop a depressive state. Frigidity can also lead to the development of other psychological problems.

If we are talking about physiological reasons, then this condition can subsequently lead to infertility and diseases of the reproductive system.

Reasons that make a woman frigid

Frigidity in women can be caused due to congenital and acquired factors, physical and psychological. There may also be a combination of reasons.

Somatic diseases

Some diseases of the body lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings and the filling of blood in organs, the genital organs in particular.

These include diabetes mellitus, heart failure, vascular wall disorders, sexually transmitted diseases, pathology of the nervous and genitourinary systems.

Hormonal imbalance

Hormone imbalance can be a congenital problem.

Particularly affected is the imbalance of testosterone, which is also produced in the female body. Significantly reduces libido and taking oral contraceptives.

Weak vaginal muscles

It can be very difficult to achieve orgasm if there are problems with the vaginal muscles. A girl may be born with undeveloped ones, or acquire stretching of them.

Therefore, they will not tightly grip the penis, which is why there is no necessary irritation of the nerve endings. Or after childbirth.

Lack of sex

If during short-term abstinence women's libido increases, then during long periods of abstinence sexual desire decreases significantly.

Psychological trauma and disorders

A negative experience with a partner or rape can cause the opportunity to have sex to trigger negative memories and emotions. A woman can feel not only reluctance, but also disgust and fear.

If in adolescence a girl did not have a bright appearance, or she did not know how to present herself, then she could face a lack of interest from boys or negative statements. This can create low self-esteem, uncertainty and tightness.

Depressive disorder (what is it?) significantly reduces libido. And also the “housekeeper effect”, when a woman lives from cooking to cleaning, and does not feel like an object of desire.

Negative effects of parenting

If there was a very stern father or mother who gave moral advice to their daughter, then she may grow up thinking that sexual intercourse is bad. This also happens if you raise a child in a strongly religious environment.

Sexual illiteracy

People spend a lot of time learning job skills and fun facts on the Internet, but very little on how to have sex. It seems to be on a subconscious level, so why bother asking this question.

Often couples do not know in which position a woman can be given more pleasure. Or partners don’t talk to each other about how they would like it, what sexual fantasies they have. The woman does not give any response to change something together.

A girl may have sexual relations out of love for a person or fear of losing him. But such an “act of self-sacrifice” leads to negative emotions and sediment, which can then spread to the man.

Therefore, it is important for both that the woman consult a specialist in time.

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