Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Preparation of ultrasound of the pelvic organs
How to properly prepare a woman for a pelvic ultrasound, methods of performing the procedure, indications and contraindications - MEDSI
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is a diagnostic procedure performed by one of 3 examination methods,
Donovanosis (granuloma inguinale), chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum - symptoms and treatment
Donovanosis (granuloma inguinale, granuloma venereum) is a classic, chronic sexually transmitted disease.
Endometrial polyps
Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium (hyperplasia, polyps)
Posted by Andro-gynecology clinic on 2017-11-03. Published in Women, Diseases Endometrial polyp - focal (limited in
Pain in the intestines on the right and left lower abdomen
February 8, 2021 Pain syndrome is the body’s signal about a pathological process. Abuse of painkillers
Colon Cancer1
Colon cancer: symptoms, stages, prognosis, treatment
Colon cancer: types, stages Another name for intestinal cancer is colorectal cancer. He
Removal of lipoma, removal of atheroma, what is the difference between lipoma and atheroma and do they need to be removed?
Lipoma and skin atheroma are two common types of benign neoplasms. They require exceptionally careful
The dermatologist named the unobvious causes of white spots on the nails
What do white spots on nails mean? 08.08.2018 Many people have noticed at least once on their nails
Lack or decrease in sexual desire - libido - in women
Lack or decrease in libido in a woman is a problem associated with a decrease in the desire for intimacy
What is female infertility: all causes and treatment methods
Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist, member of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction Ekaterina Mikhailovna Perevoznikova Experience 11 years
Hydrocele of testicular membranes
Testicular diseases in men: testicular torsion, varicocele, inflammation, cancer
Testicle The testicle, testis, is a paired gland in the shape of an ellipse in the lower part of the scrotum. Length
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