Peeling skin on the hands: pathology or temporary discomfort

August 16, 2021

Peeling on the hands is a signal that the skin is not hydrated enough. In diagnostics, this sign is called “xerosis.” The causes of dry and flaky hand skin are not always pathological. Often this only means that you need to change your household habits. If the discomfort does not go away for a long time, the symptoms increase, you need to contact a dermatologist for an examination.


The cause of eczema is the body’s reaction to a variety of factors: chemical, infectious, medicinal, physical.
This reaction can be genetically determined (up to 60% if both parents have eczema) and consists of a complex of inadequate reactions of the body’s immune, nervous and endocrine systems to antigens. Why hands? Our hands come into contact with a huge number of different substances and environments: microbes and fungi, various detergents and cleaners, antiseptics (even in soap), temperature effects, prolonged exposure to water, professional contact with various aggressive chemicals. It is not surprising that at some point the body can malfunction and react violently to a seemingly ordinary stimulus.

Treatment of severe peeling hands

Common skin pathologies on the hands are treated with hormonal creams and ointments. The treatment regimen may include vitamins and antibiotics.

During the examination, the dermatologist will assess the condition of the skin, determine the cause and recommend additional measures that will alleviate the condition:

  • take long, hot baths less often;
  • moisturize the skin of your hands with oils;
  • avoid soaps with an aggressive pH;
  • use towels made of natural fabric.

General strengthening procedures promote rapid recovery.
It is important to normalize the diet and the diet itself, increase the body’s protective functions and improve metabolism. This is facilitated by physical exercise, acupuncture, massages, hirudotherapy, the effectiveness of which has been proven for skin diseases. August 16, 2021
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich


The prognosis for eczema is most often favorable.
If you start proper treatment in time, you can curb the disease and get rid of its consequences. With adequate therapy, itching and elements of the old rash disappear, a new rash does not appear. Eczema is a chronic disease, so it is worth adhering to preventive measures and maintaining a state of remission. However, the timing of relapse is still unpredictable. Doctors give the most favorable prognosis for acute eczema. Recovery may be worse if eczema develops in young children, the elderly, or people whose bodies are weakened by infection. To enhance drug treatment, a hypoallergenic diet, physical activity, walking and hardening will help.

Associated symptoms

Often, xerosis is a temporary phenomenon that is disturbing during the cold season. The intensity of the manifestation depends on the general condition of the body, age, and the presence of pathological causes. Additional symptoms may indicate that the condition is caused by a disease:

  • redness that spreads to adjacent areas of the skin;
  • feeling of tightness, discomfort;
  • microcracks;
  • wrinkled, dehydrated skin;
  • increasing itching;
  • the appearance of wounds and ulcers that are difficult to heal;
  • roughening of the skin, thickening of the top layer.

Depending on the pathogenesis of the disease, the dermatologist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment regimen with procedures and medications.

In addition to these, there are other causes of dry hand skin:

  • avitaminosis;
  • lack of care for delicate skin;
  • use of cosmetics with irritating ingredients (alcohols, oils, scrubs, preservatives, etc.);
  • non-compliance with the balance of nutrients and minerals;
  • some medications (diuretics, laxatives, etc.);
  • dry indoor air (radiators, air conditioners, heaters);
  • untreated chlorinated water (at home, in swimming pools);
  • smoking;
  • constant stress;
  • insufficient amount of fluid drunk per day;
  • diabetes;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • psoriasis.

Individual consultation

Hand baths

Baths will bring no less benefits:

  • 40 g of potato starch per 500 ml of warm boiled water;
  • 100-120 g of oat bran are pre-boiled and left for 10 hours, filtered;
  • mix milk and water (500 ml each) in equal proportions, add corn starch (50 g) and glycerin (4 drops);
  • starch (1 tbsp) and vegetable oil (2 tbsp) are added to the potato decoction.

Immerse hands in a medicinal bath for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wipe dry and lubricate with moisturizer.

Deep tears that cannot be treated at home are recommended to be shown to a dermatologist.

Such disorders can be caused by fungal or infectious infections, and therefore require a special approach. In such situations, it is unacceptable to resort to self-medication, which can cause serious harm to health.

What is the difference between maceration and mycosis?

In contrast to maceration, mycosis is sometimes caused by Trichophyton rubrum or Trichophyton interdigitale. Mycosis on the feet differs from maceration in both appearance and smell. The smell of mycosis is very characteristic and is easily recognized by an orthopedist.

The appearance of mycosis is distinguished by its yellowish-brown color and the presence of additional, not yet cracked, microscopic bubbles that appear next to the already cracked and jagged ones. The vesicles are filled with liquid containing fungal spores. Often they are so small that only the experienced eye of a podiatrist can see them with a magnifying glass. Deposits of necrotic, fungal epidermis can stick together, becoming a threat to the formation of interdigital ulcers, which are very painful and difficult to remove and heal.

How to get rid of cracked fingers?

The first step to overcome the problem is to protect the skin of your hands from the harmful effects of external factors. Wear gloves when doing housework or any hand contact with cleaning products. People sensitive to latex should choose vinyl or cotton gloves.

Medical glue BF-6 - first aid

If the cracks are deep enough and interfere with work, the first salvation will be BF-6 medical glue. It is sold in pharmacies in glass bottles or tubes and is inexpensive.

How to use:

  1. Wash your hands with laundry soap - it disinfects. Dry naturally without a towel.
  2. Dip a cotton swab in glue and lubricate the cracks. The product will immediately begin to thicken and cover the wound with a thin, tightening layer.
  3. Let the first layer dry, then apply another one. Now the wound is reliably protected from germs, plus its edges are securely fixed and will not diverge, which will speed up healing.

Pharmacy glue BF-6 has a wound-healing and antiseptic effect; it creates a dense film on the surface of the wound that prevents the entry of microbes. Used to treat minor wounds and cuts, as well as in dentistry.

Oil masks

Not deep cracks respond well to treatment with oil compresses. The skin becomes soft, rough areas are restored. The cracks are healing.

You will need a base oil - sea buckthorn is best for this purpose, as it heals wounds. You can also take flaxseed, rapeseed, or, in extreme cases, sunflower.

  1. Clean your fingers from dirt and dry them.
  2. Apply oil generously.
  3. Wear cotton gloves. Leave the compress overnight. To enhance the effect, you can wrap each finger with plastic wrap before putting on gloves.
  4. In the morning, wash off the oil with warm water.

Repeat the procedure every day at night until the skin heals. Then, as a maintenance therapy to prevent cracks, apply such compresses 1-2 times a week.

Healing ointments and creams

Ointment "Radevit" - contains vitamins A, E, D, belongs to the group of retinoids. Improves tissue regeneration, has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects.

The ointment is applied twice a day to the affected areas in a thin layer. If the cracks are deep, apply a gauze bandage soaked in the product and bandage it. The list of contraindications for the use of Radevit includes pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Synthomycin emulsion (synthomycin liniment) – the drug contains an antibiotic and is available in the form of a cream. Used for wounds, ulcers, burns, cracks, scratches. For local external use only.

The emulsion is applied in a thin layer to the cracks, allowed to absorb and thin cotton gloves are put on. The cream softens and heals well, and thanks to the syntomycin in the composition, it has a strong antimicrobial property.

Bepanten ointment 5 % Bepanten contains dexpanthenol, which normalizes cellular metabolism, improves cell regeneration and increases the strength of collagen fibers. Quickly absorbs, moisturizes and restores dry skin. Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Directions for use: apply a thin layer of ointment to the cracks on the fingertips several times a day; in severe cases, apply soaked gauze bandages.

Cream Zorka. In fact, this remedy is a veterinary remedy, used to treat cracks and damage to the udder of cows. However, despite this, many women actively use it for cosmetic purposes, lubricating the skin of their heels and hands. The cream has a greasy texture, moisturizes well, heals, and relieves irritation.

The product has been awarded the Golden Quality Mark of the Russian Federation State Standard several times. Its main components are floralisin and petroleum jelly. A 200 gram jar costs about 80-100 rubles.

For treatment, it is recommended to lubricate the cracks on the fingers twice a day with a greasy layer, and then put on cotton gloves.

Pharmacy herbal cream "Boro Plus". This is an Indian antiseptic cream consisting mainly of natural ingredients. It has a greasy texture and heals cuts and minor injuries on the skin very well. It has earned a lot of positive reviews and is on the list of life hacks for many girls.

If the skin on the fingertips is cracking, products containing lactic acid, glycerin, allantoin, provitamin B5, panthenol, and petroleum jelly will help.

What is maceration?

On hot summer days, almost all the feet sweat. One of the purposes of sweat is to cool the body, and therefore it is completely natural in the summer. Then the whole body, and therefore the feet, cool down. After all, there are over 500 sweat glands on the soles of our feet.

However, too much sweat on the feet can cause maceration, that is, softening of the epidermis. The macerated epidermis loses the features of vital tissue and becomes dead tissue.

Maceration in the interdigital spaces appears as cracked, uneven whitish epidermis. If this occurs on skin with hyperhidrosis, the skin around the maceration becomes intensely red and noticeably moist.

Hypergranulation and maceration

Maceration is often accompanied by ingrown nails and hypergranulation. The area is always wet, and therefore an infection easily attaches to the wound, which quickly moves from the side to the back, that is, the base of the nail plate. A purulent paronychia forms with pronounced redness and pain.

If timely treatment is not carried out, paronychia can spread to the finger tissue and cause panaritium, inflammation of the lymph nodes.

If maceration can be treated in a podologist’s office, then associated complications require contacting a surgeon.

Why does the skin between my toes crack?

In summer, maceration often occurs on normal skin, which usually does not sweat much. The reasons for this are increased air temperature, and, consequently, skin temperature, lack of air circulation between the fingers and accumulation of moisture. The friction of the toes against each other and the pressure of the surface of the skin on the soles of the shoes cause cracking of the thin and delicate epidermis between the toes.

Sometimes the cracks in the transitions from the interdigital surfaces to the sole are deep. We then see whitish, uneven areas of the epidermis surrounding the crack in the skin, which is often painful. Then we are faced with a wound that requires fast and effective treatment, because not only fungi, but also bacteria can penetrate through an open wound.

Maceration can occur on all areas of the foot. Calluses, plantar indentations and the area on the lateral surfaces of the toes can become macerated, that is, softened by sweat and other fluids.

Center for Aesthetic Cosmetology "SM-Cosmetology" - a place where they will help you

Our Center employs experienced specialists of various profiles - cosmetologists, nutritionists, dermatologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, etc. They will not only help soften the skin of your hands, but will also identify the causative factor of this condition.

The examination at the clinic is carried out comprehensively and individually, taking into account all possible characteristics of the body and past diseases. This approach allows you to choose the optimal treatment and procedures.

Among the methods that guarantee softening and rejuvenation of the skin of the hands in SM-Cosmetology:

  • endermolift LPG;
  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • microcurrent therapy;
  • Starvac massage;
  • spa treatments;
  • RF lifting;
  • ZEIN OBAGI (therapeutic cosmetics);
  • various hand skin care products.

Call us and we will answer all your questions in detail!


Prevention of cracked fingers

Preventive measures help prevent the development of damage to the upper layer of the epidermis on the hands. For this purpose, the following rules and recommendations must be observed:

  • do nourishing hand baths once a week;
  • in case of contact with household chemical products, wear rubber gloves;
  • if there has been contact with water for a long time, you need to use a moisturizer;
  • any damage to the skin should be treated with antiseptic solutions;
  • When performing a manicure, use individual devices.

Healthy food and a balanced diet is an equally important preventive measure to prevent damage to the integrity of the skin on the hands.

The appearance of cracks in the fingers of the upper limbs should be taken seriously. They can signal the development of serious pathologies. Therefore, you should not self-medicate. A timely visit to a doctor will avoid negative consequences and the progression of the disease to an advanced form.

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