When and how do the first signs of pregnancy appear?

The most well-known sign of pregnancy in the early stages is a delay in menstruation. However, it cannot be called accurate: pregnancy is indicated by a “lateness” of menstruation by 10 days or more. And for women with irregular cycles, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether she has a delay or not.

If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then she wants to find out about her new condition as early as possible. But the test gives results after two weeks of delay, and ultrasound - in the third week of pregnancy.

What signs indicate early pregnancy?

What may be the first signs of pregnancy?

According to a survey conducted by the American Association, the most characteristic early signs of pregnancy are:

  • delayed menstruation - 29%;
  • nausea - 25%;
  • mood swings - from 14 to 23%;
  • breast changes - 17%;
  • pain in the lower abdomen - 15%;
  • depression - 15%;
  • fatigue, drowsiness - 13%
  • decreased immunity - 6%;
  • the first signs of pregnancy - discharge or implantation bleeding - only 3%.

Physiological primary signs of pregnancy

What are the very first symptoms of pregnancy?

The most common primary physiological signs of pregnancy include:

  • Sensitive and enlarged breasts. Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception include breast changes (1-2 weeks after conception). The area around the nipples, called the areola, may also darken.
  • Drowsiness and fatigue. Fatigue is also one of the signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception. In early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone rise sharply, which can cause drowsiness.
  • Nausea with vomiting. When do these pregnancy signs appear? Morning sickness, which can occur at any time of the day or night, often appears between the second and eighth weeks after conception.
  • Dizziness and fainting . This may be due to dilation of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
  • Spasms. Some women experience signs of pregnancy in the early days, such as mild cramping in the uterus.
  • Headaches and back pain. Many pregnant women complain of frequent headaches, while others experience back pain.
  • Insomnia is another early sign of pregnancy before the test. Causes may include stress, physical discomfort and hormonal changes.
  • Changing taste preferences. Like most pregnancy symptoms, these eating habits can be attributed to hormonal changes.
  • Temperature. Early signs of pregnancy include temperature (37-37.5).
  • Delayed menstruation. How long does it take for the first signs of pregnancy to appear? If you are of childbearing age and a week or more has passed without the start of your expected menstrual period, you may be pregnant. However, this symptom can be misleading if you have an irregular menstrual cycle.
  • Bloody discharge is the first sign of pregnancy . This bleeding, known as implantation bleeding, occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus—about 10 to 14 days after conception.
  • Bloating, heartburn. Hormonal changes can cause problems with the stomach and esophagus - these are common signs of pregnancy in the 2nd week.
  • Constipation . Hormonal changes cause the digestive system to slow down, which can lead to constipation (signs of pregnancy after a missed period).
  • Frequent urination. You may urinate more often than usual, which is a common sign of pregnancy at 5 weeks. During pregnancy, the amount of blood in the body increases, causing the kidneys to process excess fluid that ends up in the bladder.
  • Runny nose. The appearance of this symptom is associated with excessive production of the hormone estrogen.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. This is a sign of pregnancy after ovulation.
  • Increased salivation. It is also associated with hormonal changes.
  • Increased sense of smell . Signs of pregnancy in the first two weeks may cause sensitivity to certain smells and your sense of taste may change.

Emotional first signs of pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy before a delay (the earliest signs of pregnancy) also include symptoms of a psycho-emotional nature.

  1. Mood swings.
  2. Irritability.
  3. Vulnerability, tearfulness.
  4. Moodiness.
  5. Depression.

These are all emotional signs of early pregnancy that many women report. They describe feelings of heightened emotion or even bouts of crying, which are associated with rapid changes in hormone levels in the body. Also, signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks can make you feel moody, PMS-style. Additionally, about 15% of women experience depression or anxiety during pregnancy. And after childbirth, even more people suffer from these conditions. In this case, it is better to seek help from a doctor.

Do everything you can to improve your mood: get plenty of rest, eat well, get enough sleep, do activities you enjoy, and pamper yourself.

However, be careful because mood swings can be caused by a number of conditions other than pregnancy.

The influence of early pregnancy on your daily routine

Early signs of pregnancy, mainly those that bring discomfort, may be the reason for changing your daily routine. Here are some tips on what you can do about some of them:

  1. If you have toxicosis, avoid food that is too hot or too cold - this provokes an attack of vomiting. Eat often - at least 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
  2. For nausea or vomiting, try taking ginger, chamomile, or vitamin B6.
  3. Drink plenty of water, in small sips between meals, to replenish lost fluids. Teas, juices, fruit drinks are also suitable.
  4. For back pain, wear shoes or insoles designed for pregnancy and avoid high heels. Sleep on a firm mattress.
  5. If you have chest discomfort, wear a special bra that supports your enlarged breasts.
  6. For constipation, eat more foods containing fiber, such as wheat bran, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits.
  7. If you suffer from headaches and mood swings, try stress reduction techniques such as yoga or meditation.
  8. Spend time in the fresh air more often, at least half an hour a day. This helps reduce the symptoms of toxicosis and calm the nervous system.
  9. Maintain daily physical activity for as long as you feel comfortable doing certain activities.
  10. Eat a balanced diet with enough protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Important! All of these tips are advisory in nature; be sure to consult your doctor if you experience discomfort.

External changes and subjective sensations by week

Gynecologists warn that all representatives of the fair sex experience this special period differently. When asking more experienced friends how to understand that she is already pregnant, a woman is often faced with conflicting descriptions. It is not worth determining the very fact of pregnancy and its duration “by feeling”. However, some patterns can be observed:

  • 1 week of pregnancy: possible mood swings, “premonition that everything has worked out”;
  • 2-3 weeks: pain in the lower abdomen, breasts become more sensitive, mood changes quickly;
  • Week 4: delayed menstruation, feeling tired, drowsiness, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, the nipple circles darken;
  • 5-6 weeks: symptoms of toxicosis appear - nausea, sensitivity to odors increases, urination becomes more frequent, episodes of dizziness are possible, body temperature rises, and sensations reminiscent of ARVI are possible.

Speaking about any unusual or unpleasant manifestations, it is worth paying attention to the following:

  1. Severe weakness, dizziness, sticky sweat;
  2. Bloody discharge from the genital tract may be accompanied by cramping, aching pain;
  3. Repeated nausea, vomiting, inability to replenish fluid loss by drinking, increasing dehydration.

If one or more signs are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor: there is a danger to the woman’s health, termination of pregnancy is possible.

What to do if you notice early signs of pregnancy

In order to ensure the accuracy of the signs of pregnancy, you can use the following methods for diagnosing early pregnancy:

  1. Donate blood for hCG. This method can be used a few days after conception. This type of pregnancy test is performed using a small blood sample that is analyzed in a hospital. It determines whether you have the pregnancy hormone in your body and in what quantity. Its accuracy is 99%.
  2. Use a test strip. It can be used at home from the first days of the delay. To determine pregnancy, you need to dip the reagent area of ​​the test strip into urine. Accuracy: 99%. You can purchase Evitest or HomeTest test strips in our pharmacy.
  3. Use an inkjet or electronic test. They can be used at home a few days before the expected start date of menstruation. You need to remove its protective cap, place the test under stream of urine for 10 seconds, and get the result in 3-5 minutes. Accuracy: 97%. In our pharmacy you can purchase Evitest or Alpe inkjet tests.
  4. Get your first ultrasound. You can use this method 3-4 weeks after the start of your missed period. At this time, an ultrasound will show the fact of intrauterine pregnancy, and the place of attachment of the fertilized egg will also be determined. Accuracy: 100%.

The first month of pregnancy: changes inside and outside

Fetal development.

After conception, the fertilized egg moves from the fallopian tubes to the uterus and is implanted in its cavity. The egg divides into many cells and becomes an embryo. Around the eighth week, the embryo's spine and limbs begin to form. The brain, eyes and ears begin to develop.

Changes in the mother's body.

It is impossible to predict how you will receive the news that you are pregnant. The reaction may be different from what you expected, and your feelings will change from moment to moment. These mood swings are partly caused by hormonal surges and are completely normal. Give yourself time to rest and process what happened. Apart from the possible early pregnancy symptoms described above, you may not notice any changes in how you feel.

How to determine the sex of a child by the last menstruation

As a rule, women are interested not only in the first signs of pregnancy, but also in the gender of the unborn child. There are many methods that allow you to find out the sex of the child even before a scheduled ultrasound. One of the popular methods is to recognize the sex of a child based on the last menstruation.

The calculation is simple: you need to add the woman’s age at the time of conception and one to the month of conception.

You should expect a boy if you end up with an odd number. Otherwise, you can safely prepare a dowry for the girl.

For example, if a woman at the age of thirty becomes pregnant in May, then she will have a girl (30+05+1=36).

At the same time, the surest way to find out about pregnancy before a missed period is a blood test for hCG and a consultation with a gynecologist.

Temperature fluctuations

A sign of pregnancy on the 27th day of the cycle (negative test) is a change in temperature. Or rather, the fact that it begins to decline sharply, and then returns to normal again. Often it is the temperature measurement chart that can confirm or deny pregnancy. The test can be repeated again after some time. This happens due to the fact that progesterone begins to be produced intensively, which raises the temperature.

In the second phase, the temperature drops, and when pregnancy occurs, progesterone is produced again, this affects the temperature. Also, during pregnancy, the production of estrogen begins, which lowers this very temperature. It is precisely because of the opposition of these two hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman that the graph can fall. If the temperature stays around 37 degrees, then pregnancy is obvious. This temperature can persist in the first weeks of pregnancy, before the placenta begins to perform its function.

A consequence of an increase in temperature can be considered an increase in heart rate, even if the physical activity was small, for example, climbing stairs to a small height. Usually shortness of breath can be added to this; this occurs due to the fact that the lungs do not have enough air for the mother and child. Weakness may also increase.

Useful video: how to determine that you are pregnant before a delay?

If the expectant mother wants the pregnancy to proceed without complications, then it is in her interests to be aware of the “interesting situation” as early as possible. Most women have no idea that they are expecting a baby until their period is missed. She continues to lead her normal rhythm of life, which may include excessive physical initiative, use of alcohol or drugs, and stressful situations. All this can have a detrimental effect on the pregnancy process. Therefore, knowing the first signs of pregnancy even before a missed period is very important. The following video will help you sort through the knowledge you have acquired and discover the source of a new life at an early stage.

Useful articles on the topic:

Ectopic pregnancy: symptoms in the early stages What medications can pregnant women take for headaches? Signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first and second trimester How to treat a cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester?

This article has been verified by Olga Zorina, a current qualified physician, and can be considered a reliable source of information for site users.

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A sign of pregnancy on the 27th day of the cycle with a 28-day cycle may be toxicosis. Also, after this, intolerance to a particular smell appears; a woman may experience an aversion to those smells that she has ever liked; this process occurs individually for everyone. Each smell seems to become stronger and can trigger a gag reflex, which also makes salivation stronger. Appetite decreases until it is completely absent.

Vomiting occurs early in the morning or may become stronger in the evening.

Changes in the digestive system

The first signs of pregnancy appear very well through the digestive system.

A woman may notice an increased appetite, a craving for sweet or salty foods, and an aversion to certain foods. Increased activity of the vagus nerve can cause constipation. Morning nausea, vomiting and dizziness can also tell you about an “interesting situation”.

The first symptoms indicating conception

Not every woman can notice early signs of pregnancy before her period is missed. Often, many symptoms are in no way associated with the birth of a new life. Meanwhile, a woman may feel:

  • Minor tingling or nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Growth and sensitivity of the mammary glands.
  • Increased vaginal discharge.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Slight brown discharge outside of menstruation.
  • Increase in rectal temperature.
  • The appearance of a vascular pattern on the abdomen, chest and limbs.
  • Digestive system disorder.
  • Increased salivation.

Many early symptoms may indicate the development of some disease. Therefore, even if several signs are present, it is impossible to say with certainty about the early stage of pregnancy. It should be borne in mind that early signs of pregnancy may appear only on the sixth to seventh day after fertilization.

A woman who wants to have a baby always listens to her body; she can confidently say about the changes she wants in it. On the other hand, the expectant mother, who did not plan to be there in the near future, will in no way associate changes in the body with pregnancy until her period is missed.

Frequent urination and urinary incontinence

During pregnancy, the volume of blood in the circulatory system increases, so more urine is released. At the same time, the pressure of the uterus on the bladder increases. The changes may result in a frequent urge to go to the toilet or spontaneous leakage of urine.


  • To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, use special gaskets.
  • Don't give up drinking. Drink enough water, you can even increase your daily volume by 300 ml.
  • Don’t be impatient and don’t put off going to the toilet—it’s better to go there in advance.

When do the signs appear?

It is known that every woman experiences any sensation differently. This means that each girl experiences body changes differently. One will feel that the body is changing within a week, and the other will not suspect anything until she goes to see a specialist. However, the exact signs that a woman is pregnant can be found out in the following ways:

  • Ultrasound examination. This method of determining pregnancy determines the condition of the unborn child and allows you to monitor the development of its internal organs.
  • Blood analysis. Blood, or more precisely, the amount of hormones in it, can indicate the presence of pregnancy. Also, using a general analysis, you can find out about the approximate gestation period of the child.

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