Disturbances of potassium-magnesium homeostasis in clinical practice: correction with a balanced solution of potassium and magnesium aspartate
How does a lack of potassium manifest itself in the body? Potassium is one of the elements necessary for the body. His
Increased gas formation in the intestines - be careful with gases!
Increased gas formation in the intestines - be careful with gases!
It is logical to assume that increased gas formation (flatulence) is a consequence of the excess appearance of gas, which begins to accumulate
Premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy: what you need to know
Netter F.: Atlas of Human Anatomy. 6th Edition. — Saunders, 2014. — 640 p.
A child has a hoarse voice - what to do and how to quickly and correctly treat it?
Every child at an early age comes into contact with viruses and bacteria every day. Children's immunity is still
How to fall asleep in 1 minute if you have insomnia: A simple technique for healthy sleep
On the one hand, technological progress has greatly simplified our lives, but on the other hand, the year
How to recognize symptoms of deficiency and excess of vital vitamins
The main source of vitamins and microelements should be the diet, but it is not always possible for a person to
The SM-Doctor doctor told how to properly wean a baby
Weaning: Tips and Techniques for Stopping Breastfeeding
The baby is crying, your chest is full, but you are determined to stop breastfeeding. There may be reasons
Features of the pathology
Folk remedies and herbs for the treatment and prevention of bronchial asthma
Classification of bronchial asthma There are several classifications of the disease. Depending on the causes of occurrence, the following are distinguished:
Location of the fetus in the uterus
How dangerous is the transverse presentation of the fetus in the womb, how does childbirth proceed?
The position of the fetus is determined by the location of its longitudinal axis to the length of the uterus. When they are placed
Possible causes of presentation
Presentation of the fetus in the uterus: everything the expectant mother needs to know
What position of the baby in the stomach is considered normal? The doctor may say that the child has “an abnormal
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