How Shchetkin-Blumberg and Kocher-Volkovich symptoms manifest in appendicitis
Kocher's sign in appendicitis. What is this, the mechanism of occurrence
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix of the cecum. The cecum is located on the border of the small
Cimetidine for gastrointestinal disorders
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Side effects Possible side effects that occur during treatment with the drug: drowsiness, headache, seizures
Postmyocardial/myocardial cardiosclerosis: development, signs, treatment
Cardiosclerosis, or the development of connective scar tissue in the heart muscle, is an irreversible process that gradually disrupts contractility
Development of the endometrium under the influence of hormones
Features of the treatment of hypothyroidism in the elderly
An important role in the life of a modern woman is played by the state of her hormonal levels. Depends on him
What does first aid for dislocated joints include?
Symptoms of a joint dislocation A joint dislocation is a displacement of the articular surface of the bones, accompanied by damage to the capsular-ligamentous apparatus.
Rice. 5. Total knee replacement consists of three components: femoral, tibial and patella
Sarcomas of bones and soft tissues in children and adolescents
Signs of bone sarcomas Diagnosing bone sarcomas at the initial stage of development is extremely difficult. Dull pain
Top 10 drugs for kidney treatment
Kidney disease: all the reasons why you will lose your kidneys
Chronic kidney disease affects 10% of the world's population, and among the causes of mortality are problems
Tendinitis: symptoms, treatment and prevention of a dangerous disease of joints and ligaments
Tendonitis is a process of inflammation that occurs where a muscle connects to a bone. This
Rules for feeding heart patients: menu for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis
Indications for use Indications for prescribing a diet - diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular atherosclerosis
Problems of the elderly. Eyelid diseases: diagnosis and treatment
The article was checked by an ophthalmologist, Ph.D. Ismailova D.M., is for general informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a specialist.
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