What does kombucha treat: proven by scientists and tested by centuries of experience

A drink based on kombucha is not only an invigorating drink that quenches your thirst. This unique infusion is rich in vitamins, microelements, organic acids, and enzymes. It not only has a preventive effect, but also cures a number of diseases. Kombucha cannot be called a medicinal product, but its beneficial properties are recognized even by official medicine. The only condition: you need to drink only the properly prepared infusion and follow the recommendations for taking it.

Today we will tell you what Kombucha cures and how to take it.

What is kombucha and where does it come from?

Kombucha from Jet Life

Other names: Kombucha, tea kvass, kombucha, medusomycetes, Japanese mushroom, Manchurian mushroom.

The history of the plant in question dates back more than two thousand years ago, in China. It was actively used by residents of Asia for the prevention and treatment of various diseases, as well as improving immunity.

In the last century, kombucha was extremely common in the Soviet Union, often replacing the usual soda. However, people have only recently begun to actively delve into the beneficial properties of the plant and learn how to use it correctly.

Before examining the medicinal properties and benefits for the human body, we should dwell in more detail on what exactly is kombucha?

It has many different names, but the most popular are the familiar “kombucha” and the foreign “kombucha”.

Externally, it is a thick layer of mucus that takes the form of a disc-shaped film. Scientists claim that this fungus is not a single organism - it has characteristics characteristic of the symbiosis of vinegar bacteria and yeast.

The nutrient medium for kombucha is cold, sweet tea. Through the activity of microorganisms, fermentation occurs, resulting in a specific drink, which is popularly called tea kvass.

Kombucha is not a plant or a single organism, it is a kind of symbiotic culture consisting of various types of yeast fungi and bacteria.

Kombucha has gained enormous popularity in Europe and the USA due to the fashion for consuming environmentally friendly products that contain vitamins and have beneficial properties.

You can find kombucha in many pharmacies and stores, but many prefer to make it themselves, using traditional methods: the production and use of kombucha will be discussed in more detail below.

Mechanism of action

The fungus begins to grow as a result of the proliferation of yeast and acetic acid fermentation of the nutrient medium. Medusomycete microorganisms use caffeine and tea tannin molecules to build their framework, which consists mainly of cellulose.

Yeast, in the process of its life activity, breaks down carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, and acetic acid bacteria present in the medium convert ethanol into acetic acid. As a result of these chemical transformations, a slightly carbonated drink with a sweet and sour taste is obtained - tea kvass.

What are the benefits of kombucha?

The usefulness of kombucha is mainly determined by its content:

  • Vitamin B in high concentration;
  • Vitamins of group C;
  • Probiotics;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Organic acids;
  • Beneficial microorganisms.

The healing properties of a substance may vary and depend on the method by which it was prepared. For example, store-bought kombucha contains quite a lot of sugar , which in some cases may be contraindicated. In view of this, when purchasing a finished substance, it is recommended to study its composition in detail.

Kombucha has a beneficial effect on the health of the body as a whole, which is why it is used in many different cases.

To better understand the benefits and harms, we should talk in more detail about both general properties and specific cases of use.

Kombucha in packaging

Benefits of Kombucha for Women

Women often ask the question: “Is kombucha useful in the treatment of female diseases?”

The substance in question has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, which helps improve overall well-being during menstruation.

In addition, kombucha normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and liver , which has a beneficial effect on the overall hormonal background and helps prevent its disruption.

The substance has a calming effect and helps in the fight against stress or neurosis.

Another important property of tea is the acceleration of metabolism. You can drink it while on a diet: this will allow you to lose excess weight faster and more effectively.

Thanks to the abundance of vitamins in its composition, tea improves the quality of nails and hair , making them stronger and preventing hair loss.

In addition, tea contains a large list of enzymes that significantly improve the condition of the skin: they help rejuvenate it and prevent premature structure, and also make it more elastic and pleasant.

Of course, kombucha has a positive effect on the female body; taking it will have a beneficial preventive effect.

Benefits of Kombucha for Men

Kombucha has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, so it can be used to effectively treat prostatitis.

The tonic properties have a good effect on the sexual function of men and prevent the occurrence of problems with potency.

Kombucha also actively fights stress and nervous disorders, improving a man’s performance and general well-being.

For what diseases is it taken?

A detailed analysis of the main diseases that it treats or actively helps to cure will help you understand how useful kombucha is.

For sore throat

Kombucha is a natural antibiotic that has anti-inflammatory effects. Because of this, it is actively used for sore throat, helps relieve severe inflammation and supports the body in the fight against the disease.

The substance will be useful not only at the stage of fighting the disease, but also for restoring the body after it, or for prevention.

The restorative effect of the substance allows it to be used after a course of heavy antibiotics, which also have a negative effect on the body.

Thanks to its tonic properties, kombucha can be used as a natural energy drink, which will make it easier to cope with the disease.

For the intestines

In this case, the main benefit of the substance is to effectively accelerate metabolism.

This promotes better absorption of food and the extraction of maximum nutrients from it, allows you to get rid of bloating, constipation or diarrhea, and actively promotes weight loss and decreased appetite.

In addition, kombucha effectively treats gastrointestinal diseases and prevents the occurrence of gastritis or ulcers.

Another important property of the substance is cleansing the body : it removes accumulated toxins from it.

It is recommended to drink kombucha tincture in the morning and evening, before meals. This manipulation is extremely useful, as it prepares the digestive system for stress and can significantly improve overall well-being throughout the day.


Taking kombucha actively helps lower blood pressure, which makes it an effective treatment for hypertension and most diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The most effective is the combination of the substance with a decoction of dill seeds. In this case, not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive effect will be provided, preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis and heart disease.


Kombucha contains a large number of vitamins, including vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system and actively treat seasonal diseases, especially colds.

It will be enough to drink several servings of a hot drink, after which inflammation will be relieved, weakness and headache will go away.

Kombucha is effective not only in treating, but also in preventing colds - taking it regularly during the cold season can protect yourself from related diseases and significantly improve your overall well-being.

Liver protection and restoration

The substance in question is an extremely powerful antioxidant: its regular use can significantly reduce the amount of toxins in the body, which has a beneficial effect on liver function.

Kombucha not only reduces the load on it, but also has a restorative effect, which is extremely useful in eliminating the consequences of long-term antibiotic treatment.

Removing kidney stones

Kombucha has a diuretic effect and can improve the effectiveness of genitourinary diseases.

Kombucha is especially effective in the treatment and prevention of cystitis: its regular use allows you to cleanse the kidneys of stones and sand that have formed in them.

After treatment, it is recommended to continue drinking kombucha - this will help prevent further formation of new stones.

Treatment of thrush

It is known that this female disease in most cases occurs due to severe stress and a significant weakening of the immune system.

Kombucha will not only help return the body’s condition to normal and intensify the processes of fighting the disease - thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effects, it actively promotes a rapid cure for thrush.

A course of taking a tincture of the substance in question will help prevent the risk of recurrence of this disease.

Treatment of rheumatic pain

Kombucha infusion contains hyaluronic acid, which is used by the body to nourish joints and cartilage. Rheumatism is caused by its deficiency, and pain appears as a result of deterioration in the quality of articular and cartilage tissue.

Kombucha restores the necessary balance of hyaluronic acid, which helps retain the necessary water in tissues and reduce pain. The substance makes a person more active and allows you to move without difficulty.

It is also extremely useful for active sports activities and the prevention of rheumatism.

Hand care

Chapped rough hands

By mixing olive oil and kombucha masks in early quantities, you will get an effective treatment for rough, cracked hand skin. Use it after every hand washing and especially before bed.

You can put thin cotton gloves on your lubricated hands to avoid staining your bed linen. Thanks to the use of this mixture, the skin of the hands becomes smooth and elastic again.

This product is also recommended for caring for the entire body skin.

Brittle nails

Both hair loss and brittle nails and the appearance of white spots on them indicate a lack of silicic acid, calcium and sodium in the body. And since all these substances are contained in the kombucha infusion, regular and long-term - at least six weeks - use of the infusion will make up for this deficiency.

Before applying nail polish to your nails, wipe them with a swab dipped in kombucha infusion. The infusion will cleanse your nails of oil, making your nail polish last longer.

How to drink kombucha correctly without harm to health?

Drinking mushroom is an extremely versatile remedy that can help for medicinal purposes in a huge variety of diseases.

Many people ask the question “how much kombucha can you drink per day?”, to which there is no specific answer. The method of taking it directly depends on what goals the person is pursuing. Nutritionists say that for preventive purposes or in the treatment of minor illnesses, it is optimal to take kombucha on an empty stomach in the morning .

One dose per day is enough to maintain the body in normal condition and provide it with protection from many diseases.

However, most often people are interested in how often they can drink kombucha for various diseases.

In such cases, it is generally recommended to take the tincture three times a day.

Time and frequency of reception

The first time it is drunk in the morning, before the first meal. It is first recommended to experimentally find out how taking it on an empty stomach affects the condition of the stomach: sometimes it happens that after such a intake a person experiences discomfort in the stomach. If this is the case, you should move the first dose of the substance to later in the day, after breakfast.

Doctors recommend taking kombucha between meals. The optimal intake would be a few hours after a heavy lunch with meat, or a couple of hours after a light lunch of vegetables.

If you drink a glass of kombucha 40 minutes before a meal, you can prepare your body for the meal, which will facilitate faster digestion of food and obtain the maximum amount of nutrients. The last dose is recommended to be taken a couple of hours before bedtime. This will help set the body up for rest and sleep, as well as get rid of poor health, which can prevent you from falling asleep on time.


Another important aspect of taking the substance in question is the dosage. This question is purely individual: most often, use in folk medicine involves drinking a third of a glass of the substance in its pure form (about 150 ml).

In traditional medicine, kombucha is often diluted with additional substances, which can significantly improve its taste. At this stage, you should listen to your own body, which itself will make it clear in what form the use of the medicine is more effective.

However, you must adhere to one rule - do not take more than six glasses of the substance per day (about 1 liter). This is the daily norm, exceeding which is fraught with negative consequences for the body.

The regimen for taking kombucha is simple, there are no special restrictions, drink no more than 1 liter per day. The best option is 3 times a day, 1 small glass (100-150 ml). Preferably 30 minutes before or after meals.


It is also worth noting that at first after taking the substance in question, some consequences may be observed in the form of unpleasant sensations or slight dizziness.

You should not be afraid of this, since these symptoms indicate that the active substances of kombucha have begun to actively act in the body. In a few days, your health will return to normal, and after a few months of regular use, you can feel significant progress, manifested in an improvement in the general condition of the body, increased performance and other positive effects.

External use of kombucha

Special mention should be made of the external use of kombucha. Most often it is used to treat fungi on the nails .

In this case, it is necessary to apply a small piece of the lower layer of kombucha to the affected nail. A similar method can be used to treat other skin diseases - warts, various allergies, irritations, and the like.

A compress made from the lower layer of the fungus is extremely effective in treating ingrown toenails. The procedure involves applying it to the affected area and wrapping it with film. Then it is recommended to wear two socks and leave the compress overnight. Improvement in well-being will be observed after the third procedure.

Kombucha is also actively used to combat scalp diseases - dandruff, seborrhea and the like.

For effective treatment, rub the substance into the hair roots or use it as a rinse.

Acne treatment

A mixture of a monthly infusion of kombucha with lavender flowers contains components that are especially beneficial for the skin. This mixture cleanses and soothes unhealthy skin covered with acne and pimples. To prepare an anti-acne bath mixture, you will need a handful of dried lavender flowers. Fill them with 250 ml of kombucha infusion, seal the container with the mixture and leave in a cold place for three weeks. Then the mixture should be filtered and the resulting infusion added to the water while taking a bath.

How to properly prepare and care for kombucha?

For the most effective treatment, many experts recommend a homemade kombucha tincture, which you can easily prepare yourself.

To do this, you first need to acquire the mushroom itself - you can buy it in the appropriate stores or on our website.

The finished mushroom is mixed with a small amount of sweet tea (the choice of variety does not matter). When adding other substances to the mushroom, personal preference should be used.

The answer to the question “how to insist correctly?” It is extremely simple - you need to place the mixture in a jar and close it tightly with gauze, then put it in a dark place and let it brew for 5-10 days. The finished drink should have a sweet and sour taste. It should be noted that after preparing the mushroom, you can add a little water to the jar, after which the formation process will start again.

Caring for it comes down to following a few simple rules:

  • You only need to choose kombucha that is free of mold and has no pungent rotten odor;
  • During the cooking process, it is necessary to get rid of all impurities - particles of tea, sugar and other additives;
  • Once a month it is recommended to rinse the mushroom with boiled water and remove excess layers. This is only relevant in cases where the fungus has grown too much;
  • If you plan to take a short-term break from taking the substance, the jar of mushroom can be placed in the refrigerator, where it will be stored for several weeks.

Kombucha: the best recipes

The basis of all these drinks is kombucha. We have already told you how to cook it at home.

Some kombucha-based drinks are prepared using the principle of repeated fermentation. To do this, it is useful to have several glass bottles with lids. Infuse such drinks in a dark, dry place, use or store in the refrigerator when ready.

Another option is to make cocktails with primary fermentation kombucha: to do this, you can mix it with sparkling water, fruit juice, tea, etc.

Kombucha with mango

Ingredients. 500 ml kombucha (see basic recipe), 200 g mango (fresh or frozen).

Instructions. Puree the mango using a blender. Mix kombucha and fruit puree in a deep container. Pour into a glass bottle with a lid and store in a dark, dry place for 3-7 days to ferment again. Serve chilled.

Kombucha with strawberries and basil

Ingredients. 500 ml kombucha (see basic recipe), 300 g strawberries, 4-5 sprigs of basil.

Instructions. Wash the strawberries, peel them and puree them in a blender. Rinse the basil. Combine with kombucha and bottle for re-fermentation. Place in a dry, dark place for 3-7 days. Serve chilled.

Kombucha "Mojito"

Ingredients. 100 ml kombucha, 2 mint sprigs, 100 g sparkling water, 1 tsp. sugar, half a lime, ice.

Instructions. Crush the lime, mint and sugar into a mug with a spoon. Transfer to a tall glass, add kombucha and sparkling water, and serve with ice.

Kombucha drinks

The name of the drink can vary, but the most common is “Kombucha”.

It is called that in most European countries and the USA. The composition of the drink may vary due to the large number of variants of substances with which kombucha mushroom is diluted.

In stores and pharmacies you can find a variety of options, including iced tea, kvass, etc. It should also be noted that in addition to the drink, there are kombucha tablets. Their properties are almost no different from the properties of the drink.

Industrial production

Today, the United States holds the first place in the sale of kombucha. Leading companies in this production include GT's Kombucha Company, Live Soda Kombucha, Makana Beverages Inc, Reed's Inc., Kosmic Kombucha, Kombucha Wonder Drink, KeVita (acquired by PepsiCo in 2021).

Russia has only recently begun the industrial production of this drink, although ordinary people have long loved it, and many people themselves grew medusomycetes in their apartments. The leader of the Russian market in this direction is the Caribou Kombucha company, located in Moscow.

Today, a wide variety of variants of kombucha have been created.
Only a third of the drinks in this line are produced without additives. Two-thirds of the entire market provides consumers with unique kombucha options: with the addition of fruit and berry juices, as well as herbs. Share with your friends

Possible contraindications and side effects

Another extremely important question often asked by people interested in treatment is “For what diseases should you not drink kombucha?”

First, it should be noted that each person may have individual contraindications for various diseases, which is why it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting the course.

Among those for whom the drink in question is contraindicated are pregnant and breastfeeding women . In this case, the substance can disrupt the balance of enzymes in the body, which will lead to problems with pregnancy and lactation.

Also among those who should not drink kombucha are people who have an individual intolerance to certain elements of the substance. In the case of them, negative side effects may occur - allergies, deterioration of well-being, and the like.

Harm from kombucha

Skeptical people often ask: “Is kombucha harmful?”

In some situations, it can actually be dangerous for the human body, for example, in case of individual intolerance to certain components.

In addition, excessive intake of the substance in question may be unsafe, which leads to negative consequences - allergic reactions, deterioration of well-being, etc.

To avoid negative effects, you should first consult your doctor before starting to take the substance.

Common Questions and Myths About Kombucha

Kombucha cures coronavirus

Due to the fact that kombucha infusion helps effectively fight colds and sore throats, many mistakenly believe that it can cure coronavirus.

However, scientists have not proven that kombucha can be used in such cases.

Kombucha alive or not?

There is an opinion that kombucha in modern store-bought varieties is not an effective medicine. This is due to the fact that it appeared on store shelves quite abruptly, several decades after it ceased to be actively used. However, store-bought variations are also an effective remedy, which has been confirmed by many medical experts.

How long does Kombucha live?

Its lifespan depends on proper care - if you promptly remove the finished substance and add water, you can maintain the growth of the fungus for years.

Kombucha diseases

If not properly cared for, the mushroom can become sick and die - this is manifested by the fact that it sinks to the bottom of the jar. In this case, you should throw it away.

Can you eat kombucha?

It is not recommended to consume the mushroom uncooked, as this may lead to stomach upset or poisoning.

The largest kombucha

It can reach any size - it all depends on the size of the growing container and the amount of active substance.

Can Kombucha Grow in a Human Stomach?

No, swallowing it raw will only cause stomach upset and digestive problems.

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